This Is How To Save Your Family From Coronavirus, Naturally
Dec 30, 2024

Worried about your family’s health and protecting them from coronavirus?
As the pandemic cases in the world continue to rise and trials of a vaccine are in full swing, prevention is still the best cure for COVID 19. Your body’s defenses are your best weapon against the virus. The stronger the immune system and healthier the body, the least susceptible would you be to Coronavirus.
Nature has provided us with all the necessary elements and ingredients to help our bodies attain the best of health. You and your family can lead a disease-free life, devoid of medicines, and fear of infections, if only your body’s immune system is capable of fighting away the pathogens.
Follow nature’s approach to protect your family from the pandemic. Awareness about your own body and the laws that govern its functioning is the stepping stone to staying safe and healthy despite the prevalent infections.
What is Nature’s Approach To Best Health?
It is a way of living in harmony with the structure and cycles of the human body, the environment, and the seasons. It is a lifestyle based approach that advocates eating plant-based foods which are our body’s natural diet, and absorbing the natural elements.
How to Ward-off Infections?
Pathogens need a living host and a conducive environment within the host body to flourish. An acidic environment with high levels of toxins becomes the dumping ground for cellular debris on which some harmful microorganisms survive and thrive!
Just as external hygiene is important, internal cleanliness (toxin-free body) and alkaline environment inhibits the breeding of pathogens. We are continually exposed to microorganisms in daily life. Our immunity is critical for deciding how much we get affected or fast we recover.
How to bolster your & your family’s immunity?
Here is the Action Plan for you to prevent the infection:
Detox Drink: Have one early morning (Any of the following)
White pumpkin juice blended with coriander leaves - 300 ml
Coconut water - 1
Mix juice of 1 lemon with few ginger juice drops and honey (1-2 tbsp) or Jaggery powder (2 tbsp) in 200 ml of water
Lymphatic (Internal cleansing or Body detox) Exercise: Do 10 minutes of simple hand and leg movements to clear up the toxins from the lymph (body’s sewage system)
Hand Swing Exercise:
Stand with legs apart
Inhale, while raising your hands above your head
Exhale through the mouth forcefully, bring down hands and take them towards your back
Do it continuously for 1 minute at the rate of 36 cycles per minute
Do it on empty stomach twice a day
Legs Swing Exercise:
Stand straight taking the support of a wall or other strong surface
Bring one leg up straight at the level of your waist, then move it back as far as it can go
You may move your neck along with the leg too. While bringing the leg forward, move your neck forward and vice versa.
Do it for at least 100 times, starting from 10 (for beginners)
Do it continuously at a rate of 30 cycles per minute
- Pranayama: Perform 10 minutes of deep breathing to raise your lung capacity. According to research, an average adult living in an urban environment utilizes only 20-30% of the lung capacity.
Sunbathing: Soak the sun for 10 minutes every day. Sunlight is antimicrobial and the primary source of energy for all life on earth
Expose the body to direct sun rays in the morning between 6:30-7:30 am or evening during sunset time
Wear minimal, cotton, light-colored clothing
- Breakfast: Eat 500 gm of 1 fruit of your choice as the first meal of the day. Avoid cooked meal in breakfast
Raw Vegetables: Eat 200 gm (or 25% of your plate) salad of raw vegetables with your lunch and dinner. Raw vegetables are alkaline, they maintain body’s alkalinity. Acidic blood pH leads to infections
Dinner: Eat your dinner by 8 pm to allow the circadian rhythm to work smoothly to clear up toxins. Keep it simple, light, and plant-based.
If you or anyone in your family show the Symptoms similar to the ones of Coronavirus, follow these steps to counter the infection while you start the process to get your tests done. You might be able to get rid of the symptoms in 2 to 3 days itself with the following steps:
Natural Liquids: Increase the intake of natural fluids such as, coconut water, fruit & vegetable juices
Onion Remedy: Extract onion juice after grating it. Mix 1 tbsp of juice with 1 tbsp honey. Drink it post noon, once a day for 3 days, not more
Lemon- Ginger Shots: Mix 1 tbsp lemon juice with 2 tbsp water & few drops of ginger juice. Drink it 3 times a day with a gap of 4 hours
Eat 3 meals & a snack:
1st meal (Breakfast): Eat only one type of fruit, of your choice
2nd meal (Lunch): Vegetable salad/juice+ lightly cooked vegetables
Evening Snack: Fruits, preferably citrus fruits
4th Meal (Dinner): A vegetable salad+ Soup (If symptoms are severe avoid grains completely). Eat early dinner, latest by 8 pm
Apply wet packs: They equalize body heat & promote better circulation of blood
Dip a hand towel or cotton cloth in normal tap water (not cold, not hot).
Spread the wet pack on your stomach and head.
Keep it there for 10-15 minutes. Do it 2-3 times a day
Take action, be pro-active in ensuring your family’s safety!
Immunity needs to be built up internally by ensuring that the body remains alkaline and clear of toxins. Right food, Adequate sleep, Exercise, Sunlight, and Air enhance our body’s strength and immunity. The action plan that we have shared above covers all of these aspects. It is both preventive and curative.
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