Online Health Detox Workshop
(1-Week | 2-Week | 1-Month)
Remove the cause of diseases - Toxins from your body, improve your immunity, concentration, and relieve gastrointestinal problems, etc. Complete guidance and support by Natural Health Coaches to get you through the challenge.
INR ₹599/-
Per Employee
For Minimum 30 Employees

A 3-Day Detox, De-Stress Retreat in Delhi
Enjoy Nutritious Meals and Natural Therapies like Body Massage, Mud Bath etc. Come Back with a Lifestyle That Prevents You From Diseases & Keeps You Healthy Forever.
INR ₹15,000/-
Per Person Seat
For Minimum 30 Employees

Live Medicine-Free With Nature Cure
Transform Your Health With 5 Elements Of Nature (The Panchamahabhutas). Learn the Correct Way of Fasting, Sun Therapy, Air Therapy, Hydro Therapy, and Apply Holistic Nutrition In Daily Life.
INR ₹35,000/-

Fabulous Face Fitness
Sculpt, tone, and uplift your face with special yoga movements and exercises. Accentuate and shape your face muscles, get a glowing and lively appearance, reverse the signs of aging, and own firmer skin.
INR ₹40,000/-

Reverse Cholesterol, BP & Heart Issues Naturally
Learn a natural lifestyle that helps you control blood pressure, hypertension, cholesterol levels and have a healthy heart.
INR ₹50,000/-

3-Day Detox & Weight Loss Challenge
Reset and rejuvenate your health, reboot your digestive system with raw meals for 3 days. Reduce unhealthy food cravings, learn raw recipes. Regular support and guidance by natural health coaches to complete the challenge.
INR ₹35,000/-

Goodbye PCOS
Control PCOS with Natural Nutrition, Diet, Yoga, and Therapies. Correct Hormonal Imbalance, Lose Weight, Regularise Menstrual Cycle, Overcome Infertility, Resolve Hair & Skin Issues.
INR ₹50,000/-

7-Day Intermittent Fasting Challenge
Unlock the power of Intermittent Fasting: Lose weight, balance hormones, and boost your health in one week! Excellent for managing PCOS, thyroid problems, insulin resistance, skin health & gut health issues. No starving diet plans, regular guidance & support.
INR ₹35,000/-

Heal Skin Diseases Naturally
Say Goodbye To Itching, Rashes, Inflammation, Ointments, Creams & Medicines For Healing Skin Diseases. The Workshop Will Help You Reverse Skin Diseases Such As Psoriasis, Eczema, Urticaria, Vitiligo, Acne, Fungal Infections & Many Other Issues.
INR ₹35,000/-

Emotional Wellness
This workshop was designed to become more aware of your own feelings and learned the Art of Creating Happiness through laughter, mindfulness, dance, music, group exercises, and partner activities.
INR ₹40,000/-

Regain Eye Health
Get Relief From Digital Strain, Impact Of Long Working Hours On Your Eyes, Dry or Itchy Eyes, Vision Blur, Learn To Reduce Eyeglass Power, Myopia and Hyperopia With Eye Exercises, Relaxation Techniques, And Vision Improving Natural Therapies.
INR ₹50,000/-

De-Fog Your Brain
Unlock your brain’s true potential. Gain clarity of mind, de-clutter your brain, increase productivity and focus and improve memory. This workshop integrates ancient and modern techniques of boosting brain health and neuro-muscular exercise to supercharge your brain.
INR ₹35,000/-

Relieve Anxiety
Learn Yogic Techniques To Manage Anxiety, Break-Free From Anxious & Negative Thoughts, Panic Attacks, And Over-Thinking. Eliminate The Root-Cause Of Anxiety, Sleep Better & Feel Relaxed.
INR ₹50,000/-

10-Day Detox & Weight Loss Challenge
Remove the cause of diseases - Toxins from your body, improve your immunity, concentration, and energy levels, sleep better, relieve gastrointestinal problems. Complete guidance and support by Natural Health Coaches to get you through the challenge.
INR ₹75,000/-

Boost Immunity With Natural Foods
A highly informative and scientific program to help you choose the right natural foods, cook them in nutrition-enhancing, delicious ways and include them in your daily meals for maximizing immunity.
INR ₹40,000/-

Reverse Ageing Naturally
Learn the art of living a healthy and long life. Overcome weak bones, muscular pains, poor skin health, low stamina, digestive issues, and age-related diseases.
INR ₹50,000/-

Healthy Cooking For Kids
Lay the nutritional foundation for your kids. Yummy, plant-based, nutrient-rich and exciting recipes. Add vegetables and fruits to your kids’ daily diet easily, make mealtimes fun and transition them away from junk foods to ‘truly healthy’ eating.
INR ₹35,000/-

2-Day Mind De-stress Retreat in Delhi
Come to Anandya, a joyful and supportive workshop, where you will learn Chakra Balancing & Dance Healing to enrich your life with happiness and love. This opening towards finding your bliss & celebrate life.
INR ₹12,000/-
Per Person Seat

Thank you Wellcure for initiating such unique and healthy challenges. The program was quite helpful.....you and your team are helping a lot of employees and their families.
Rajeev Pahuja
Head HESQ, Yara Fertilizers

The team thoroughly enjoyed yet learnt a lot from and the trainers made everything so effortless. The Program was very reasonably priced. Keep up the Good work!
Ashima Mathur
Director - Pitney Bowes India