Nature Deficit Syndrome
Dec 31, 2024

You do a work out, sleep well and yet feel fatigued and listless for no obvious reason at the end of the workweek? No, you are not counting your sheep wrong nor is anything missing: you may be suffering from a "deprivation of the outdoor"- one of the most common problems of urban living.
Check these for yourself
1) When did you last lie in the sunshine?
2) When did you last have an air bath? That fresh cold air touching/kissing your bare body to tickle the nerve centres?
3) When did you last enjoy a cold water bath/shower?
4) When did your feet last touch any mud or soil?
The answer will be a big no for most of the urbanites. This perhaps means that he may be suffering from what is termed as "NATURE DEFICIT DISORDER" OR "NATURE DEFICIT SYNDROME" which arises from spending too much time under artificial air sucking (means living in A/C), living and working in high rise buildings and having no connection with natural surroundings.
This brings about a dividing line between us and Nature, the sustainer of human life. How can life ever sustain healthily in this artificial environment?
Solution out of this logjam
"Ecotherapy"- is the answer. Go immerse with nature in whatever way you could regularly.
- Time and again we have been advocating to have regular Air baths as often as one can.
- Basking in the sun at least two-three times per week for thirty minutes. These days some good samaritan doctors have also taken a fancy to advise their patients to go for the sun - basking for vitamin "D" without which other vitamins are also not assimilated by the body. Sun basking busts stress, strengthens the general body, builds the mood and recharges the body, helps fight depression, increases the content of oxygen, and yes there is also a yogic name for this healing touch of the sun- breathing - " ATAPA SNANA".
- Come out of the concrete jungle more. Unfortunately for city dwellers, timings don't permit as to commute to working places as half the killer for most. Also, the weekend often translates into just a day, so it is difficult to go anywhere. One business executive puts it "most of the urbanites are not able to enjoy nature enough. After about 10 to 15 days in the city, I feel an urge to drive out, even if it is to the outskirts".
- Try "Forest Bathing"- A simple Japanese "woods therapy" is being regarded as the answer for city folks, where you simply take a 'shower' in the woods. It is "forest bathing" or "SHRINKOYU" which means basking in the greenery of the forest area.
- Engage in gardening or community gardening to get in touch with soil and plants. It is inviting nature into your home.
- A weekend getaway - hiking, cycling or bird watching are also simple ways to spend time in nature and get your Ecotherapy.
(About V.S.Pawar: I am a Member of Indian Institute of Natural Therapeutics 1980.I am a 72-year-old veteran practising pure nature cure for 45 years. I lead a healthy life free from any disease and share my knowledge with others freely.)
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