Motion sickness - Causes and natural management
Dec 31, 2024

With the rapid growth in urbanization and due to acute pressure on land in the large cities it has now become common for people to travel extensively to and from their places of work. This article analyses motion sickness and its effect on the health of people engaged in extensive traveling to and from the place of work and suggests certain simple nature cure practices to minimize them.
Movement is life
All living beings are on the move. Even terrestrial bodies like the Earth is also on the move, so movement is integral to our existence. It is said that movement is life. Static state will wither away sooner or later hence motion activity cannot be a source of any sickness. However, the rapid growth in urbanization and invention of fast moving vehicles like aircrafts, naval ships etc have been the reasons behind motion sickness.
What is motion sickness?
Definition of motion sickness:
Also known as seasickness, jet-lag, car, train, bus, truck, joy-rides sickness, it involves a group of symptoms particularly nausea, giddiness, vertigo, caused by movement during travel.
Motion sickness occurs when the brain receives contradictory information from its motion sensor- the eyes, the semicircular canals in the inner ear (which help control balance) and the muscle sensor that provide information about body positions.
- Motion sickness commonly occurs during boat travel, when the boat rolls and rocks.
- It may also occur in moving car, amusement park rides, or other moving vehicles.
- Some people are more susceptible than others.
- Fear, anxiety and poor ventilation increase the likelihood of experiencing motion sickness.
ββββSymptoms and diagnosis
Symptoms begin relatively suddenly. Nausea, a feeling of general discomfort, vertigo, headache, and fatigue usually develop .the face becomes pale, and the person starts to sweat and feel unpleasantly warm, vomiting often occurs. Other symptoms may include saliva production (often as a prelude to vomiting) and rapid, deep breathing, (hyperventilation). Hyperventilation may produce faintness. Nausea and vomiting make the person feel weak. Prolonged vomiting can lead to low BP and dehydration. However, symptoms tend to gradually subside when the motion stops or the person leaves the vehicle. Also, people who are on long trips, as on a ship, usually adapt to the motion (helped by the stabilizer used in modern ships to minimize motion) and gradually recover.
Social issues with extensive travel
In a survey carried out in Italy and Holland, it was revealed that the effects of such travel on health created a feeling of tiredness and fatigue. This can also hinder harmonious family relationships and maybe doubly so if both husband and wife are working, quality time is not spent with family members.
Prevention and treatment of motion sickness
Prevention is the key. The key measures which we can include are
- Choosing a seat where motion is felt least (such as the front seat of a car, a sear over the wings in an airplane, or the forward or middle cabin or upper deck of a ship).
- Keeping the head and body as still as possible.
- Sitting face forward and in a reclining position.
- Keeping the eyes on the horizon or another distant, unmoving object.
- Not reading any newspaper, book etc.
- Getting fresh air by opening a window, opening an air vent, or going to a ship's top deck.
- Not drinking alcoholic beverages and not smoking (both can aggravate nausea).
- Not eating strong-smelling or strong-tasting foods and drink on short aeroplane trips.
- Always start well in time from home to avoid the tension or reaching late.
- At traffic lights, one can easily practice little deep breathing or even some isometric exercises can be done.
- In the mornings, certain yogic asanas recommended are Bhujangasana, Shalbhasana and Shavasana.
- A spinal bath or even a normal bath after the day’s work could be relaxing
- Most importantly, a journey should not be undertaken on a loaded stomach. Hence office workers should avoid a heavy breakfast and heavy lunch. Instead, they must have their main meal at the end of the day.
- A weekly or fortnight fast on fruits/ juices will be of immense help in maintaining the internal cleanliness of the body.
By adopting the above measures and planning one's daily activity, one can avoid motion sickness.
(About the author Vijai S Pawar: I am a 72-year-old veteran practising pure nature cure for 45 years.M.I.I.N.T (1980) certified. I lead a healthy life free from any disease and share my knowledge with others freely.)
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