Water β Alkalize and increase its vibrational energy
Dec 30, 2024
We all consume water but without paying a conscious attention to the process. But, is there a method that can assist in consuming water in a manner that affects its positive vibrations? Many celebrities like Beyonce vouch for the benefits of drinking bottled alkaline water. Read this blog in water’s own voice to reveal the truth and secret for you!
Who am I?
I am formless and colourless. I form streams and rivers and the mighty sea. I constitute 70% of this planet just like your body is made 60-70% of me. As I come down through the air, I absorb the cosmic radiations and oxygen and kiss the earth while I flow and gather rocks, minerals, leaves, flowers and get energized. I am the sum total of all these vibrations.
Life originated in me and life cant sustain without me. My natural state is free-flowing; however, I am subjected to extensive pressure to get transported to your homes and offices via pipes. At times, I am also stored in tanks. In this process, my own purity gets compromised. I undergo treatment with chlorine, fluoride, chlorine dioxide, and muriatic acid at the municipality treatment plants. Moreover, you also make me go through the grind thanks to boiling and water purifiers. This series of exposure to different chemicals and artificial treatments destroys all my vibrational energy. My natural energy which is positive and supports good health becomes diluted. And what do I do? I become still and go with the flow(pun intended!)
Why do you need to raise my vibrational energy?
You are all intelligent creatures. You do know that anything that is natural and used in its raw state is pure and offers benefits to the body. Artificial treatment reduces my vibrational energy and even if I want to, I cannot give you the desired replenishment and hydration. There was a kind and learned guy in Japan named Masaru Emoto, who voiced my thoughts by conducting an experiment on me. He said that human consciousness has an effect on my molecular structure.
Let me simplify it for you, just like you simplify my chemical equation!
He put me in glasses and exposed me to different words, pictures, and music and then froze the resulting crystals with microscopic photography. When he examined the aesthetic properties of these crystals and traced each crystal’s environment, he came to the conclusion that whenever I was exposed to positive speech and thoughts, my crystals became more pleasing. And when I was kept in a hostile environment where people were angry or screaming, my frozen crystals turned ugly. Thus, he concluded that the impact of the feeling of gratitude and positivity restored my positive vibration. He went on to claim that your reality, emotional energies and vibrations could create a direct impact on my physical structure. This is the principle behind giving seekers holy water blessed by a deity at spiritual places.
That means if you want to increase my vibrational energy to show positive results on your mind and body, all you need to do is take a few steps. Maybe some of the treatment process on me are unavoidable. In fact, they may be needed to get rid of the harmful elements in today’s world. But, what you can control, is how you consume me.
How can you consume me to increase my vibrational energy?
- When you drink me up, make sure you’re not just gulping me down your throat. Relish me mindfully with a feeling of gratitude. You will notice the positive impact on your overall health.
- Sunlight recharges me! I absorb the cosmic energies. So, keep me in a glass container, cover with a porous cloth and place in direct sunlight. Then, drink me up!
- You know how important the acid-alkaline balance is in the body right? And I can help you manage it even better! Add a few lemon drops to me and I’ll transform into this tangy drink that’ll not only soothe you but also alkalize you. Don’t like me sour? Soak me and make me beautiful with cucumber slices, pomegranate, pineapple etc
- I am also available in large quantities in raw fruits, veggies and coconut water. Increase my content in your body by taking these in!
- You must have heard how rainwater is the purest form of water? The science of Nature Cure advises to collect me in a container and pour me to another container from a height to oxidize me and get more oxygen to your cells.
- I like staying close to the Earth. Store me in mud pots and then drink me. You’ll get the natural coolness through the mud pot which will remove added heat in your body.
Now you know how to alkalize and restore some of my natural energies which I lost during my journey to reach you.
Next time you pick me up, drink me with gratitude!
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