The natural way to dress
Dec 26, 2024

Is looking smart and fashionable more important than health?
It is our natural desire to look smart, way ahead of others in looks but only by putting on clothes of latest design and fashion even though it may be compromising on the health aspect.
The skin should be able to breathe
If one wants to maintain health and improve it day by day, dress in such a way as not to deprive your skin of natural light and air. Let the skin have light and air to the greatest possible extent all the time.
Colour of clothes
Clothes of white are best for wear. If anyone wants to wear colored clothes, they should not be of deep or bright color but of light color. (In case adherence to a dress code as per job requirement should be followed and fibre of dress code is of synthetic in nature, then the management could be approached in a peaceful manner to adopt cotton for the betterment of all employees' health).
Dress as per climate
Dress should be the least possible, with regards to the climatic condition. Excess and over-dressing weaken the skin.
Overtight clothes and accessories
Dress should not be so tight over the skin as to put undue pressure upon the skin which impedes the function of organs within. If the pressure exerted by, skin-kissing, skin-hugging, skin-tight, or drain pipe fitting pants, jeans trousers saris, and so on....upon the skin is a little too much, it will have an adverse effect on the work of digestive organs & is one of the causes of gas formation. In women, this may be one of the causes of menstrual disorders as well.
Research from medicos in many countrieshas come across a condition which they call the T J S syndrome or Tight Jeans Syndrome experienced in people wearing jeans so tight that skin and fabric seem interwoven. The syndrome is said to manifest by compression of a nerve in the groin, leading to numbness and then acute pain in the thighs.
Based on a study way back in July 1986, Andrew Sealform of the University of Texas said that infertility affects one of five American Couples in New York. Years of research has shown that high internal temperature (inside the body) resulting from the inability of the body to radiate the excess heat through the skin can affect men's fertility. Sealformsaid "Half of all men who have poor semen are infertile for no known reason suffer from a medical condition ofexcessively high scrotal temperatures". And according to him, wearing tight jeans is one of the contributory factors in causing this condition.
Though only jeans have been specifically referred to here, we would urge, health seekers to keep away from unnatural dresses as well. Clothes for comfort and health should be the guiding criterion.
To fashion lovers; we would put forth an appeal - Be Civilized Without Suffering. You can look fashionable without wearing either synthetic fabrics or tight dresses. Look to your inner beauty and health by the adoption of natural living.
Dress should be as loose as possible to allow a column of air between the body and clothes. This column of air will keep the individual warm in winter and cool in summer.
For the same reason wearing a tight belt over the dress is also not advised.
If such pressure is exerted over the neck by use of 'stiff- collar', necktie etc., it will affect the blood circulation to the head region, which may cause headache, ear and eye disorders, tension etc. by making it difficult to move the neck comfortably from side to side. It will, in due course, cause spinal disorders [e.g. cervical spondylitis - which nowadays is rising in an alarming proportion in the society].
The best material
The best material for wear is cotton. Dresses made out of synthetic fibres are not at all conducive to the health and benefit the so-called- skin-specialists, by making you develop skin disorders.
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