Special Tips for Media Persons to Overcome Corona
Dec 30, 2024

Dear Journalists,
You are the civic soldiers, reporting from ground zero. Without the information that you provide, we would not be able to fight with COVID 19. Wellcure wants to provide you with the information to stay safe and healthy while covering the Corona crisis.
You do your job diligently and bravely, these are testing times for you. When we were locked down you were hitting the highway.
What Are the Risks for You?
Catching the virus - You are one of the most exposed to the virus as you work in close contact with people.
Spreading the infection - Those people could be infected, the surfaces you touch could be the fomites, you could hence become carriers & spread the virus.
Affect on mental health - Seeing suffering around you, lack of sleep and the constant workload can silently affect your mental well being
The protective gears such as masks, gloves, sanitizers or even the PPEs only prevent your contact with the virus. In reality, your first & natural line of defense is your skin. That is why regular handwashing and bathing is recommended by experts. However, even after all these protections if there is a loophole - which is likely, given the amount of running around that you do - you are left to your body’s defenses.
We have curated special Dietary and Lifestyle Recommendations for you to elevate your health naturally and prevent catching the virus:
Dietary and Lifestyle Recommendations:
Drink Coconut water as the first meal of the day - the more you stay hydrated, the lesser toxins you accumulate in your body, leading to a better immune system
Eat 4-5 servings of fruits in a day - Fruits are rich in nutrients that keep the body in a healthy state. They are also our natural foods and must be eaten raw to get maximum benefit. Don’t mix them with any other food group. It is best to eat them as a meal in the morning (instead of cooked breakfast)
Eat raw vegetables - Consume 1-2 cups of salads with lunch and dinner. Raw vegetables are alkaline in nature, hence they keep the blood’s pH balanced. All acidic foods create an environment for germs to thrive in.
Snack on nuts or dried fruits - They are the natural sources of fat and sugar. Cut down on processed fats and sugars. Avoid processed foods in general.
Early Dinner - Now, this might be difficult to achieve with your schedules. But try to eat by sunset or the latest by 8 pm. Keep a gap of at least 2 hours between sleep and dinner. As per circadian rhythm, night time is for the absorption of food & nutrients. Hence, eat light and eat early.
Do a 30-minute brisk walk - Regular physical activity helps in improving overall health, boosts state of mind and removes stress
Practice deep breathing for 10-minutes every day - Pranayama’s deep breathing techniques focus on absorbing the ‘Air’ element of nature for better lung health - which is crucial to maintain during COVID 19. It also alleviates stress.
Sunbathing - Absorb sunlight early morning or anytime during the day, wearing minimal clothes for 3-4 minutes on each side of the body (front & back). Sunlight heals, it is also anti-microbial & kills the microbes present on our skin
Unplug - Take breaks as often as you can and stay in touch with your loved ones for your emotional well being
Sleep Enough - Rest helps our body recuperate and process-off all the negative information absorbed during the day.
Your Body is Your Best Friend
No matter how much you exploit your body by eating wrong, sleeping less or taking stress - it fights tooth & nail to keep you healthy and functioning. It is this fighting spirit of your body, that you must elevate by enhancing your immunity, getting rid of all toxins from your body and doing regular physical activity.
In a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, many activists, doctors, and animal welfare groups have advocated for promoting plant-based diets for a better environment and public health during the Corona pandemic. Wellcure is paving the way for plant-based diets, nature cure and natural lifestyle in India. We are doing the needful.
Shekhar Gupta, Editor-in-Chief, The Print, says “We journalists are being tested like we have never been before. We draw our power from the social contract we have with the people of India. People reach out to us in the time of crisis, we are also the first responders for history. History is now being made. There are no precedents available for us based on which we can cover this Corona crisis. Journalism in the time of Corona is a very different challenge”.
You are seeking the truth while the virus might be seeking for you. Some of you have tested positive, and some of you have even lost your jobs for there are no sports or entertainment events happening to cover! You combat misinformation, provide public health updates, and even entertainment to help people cope with the situation. But, how are you coping up?
Wellcure’s tips will help you cope with the pandemic, strengthen your body from the inside, boost your immune system and elevate your mental health.
Know Wellcure’s Story and how we are gradually modifying the health map of India.
We thank you for the amazing job all of you are doing!
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