Quarantine Phase - The daily regime
Dec 30, 2024

We all are going through this phase where we are not able to get out of the house and breathe in nature’s light. This is the time wherein our mental, spiritual and physical fitness everything is really tested.
Here are a few things which you can add in your daily routine to feel
productive and enhance your daily growth. Do it with your family and bond together. Let us make the best out of this phase and use this opportunity to connect with one self-outside and inside.
1. Early Riser
Yes, we are staying at home all day. But that should not be the reason to sleep in late. Sleeping in late disturbs the circadian rhythm of your body. Waking up early on time with the Sun is a great energy booster. The Sun helps in activating the cells in the body by providing melatonin which energizes you. So, get up early and you have the whole day to utilize and be productive.
2. Dance it out
Dance has been found to be therapeutic and the best form of exercise. It not only burns the calories but also releases endorphins which are commonly known to be happy hormones. It is time to use this healing ritual in this quarantine phase. Dance it out daily. If you are living in a joint family, then put on some music, start the rhythm and dance it. Use this time to bond with your family.
3. Read some more
Make a habit of reading just one extra page every day. It keeps your mind motivated and fresh. Fictional books loosen up your mind by taking you to an imaginary land and non-fiction will keep you motivated.
4. Make a new recipe daily
Wear a chef’s hat and experiment with something nutritive. It is time to build upon your cooking skills in order to stay healthy. The best thing to start with is something easy. Wellcure is loaded with healthy recipes, recipe books, and even a healthy cooking course. Make use of them.
5. Write down your emotions daily
You may be experiencing a turmoil of emotions. This is the right time to get in touch with your own self. By noting your emotions, you set yourself free from the bondage and can deal with both physical and mental stress. So, give 5 minutes daily just to write how you were feeling throughout the day.
6. Suryanamaskar
Sitting continuously on a sofa will only make you more negative. Take a 10-minute stretching break for every hour on the sofa. Stretching helps in relieving stress built up in muscles and increases blood circulation. So, break down the vicious circle of eating and sleeping. Put in 12 sets of Suryamanaskar in your schedule for a full-body stretch.
7. Breathing
When was the last time you stopped your busy activities and felt aware of your breath for a complete minute? Make it now. Breathing exercise should be part of your daily routine. Enhance this by doing it in a sunlight-filled area. And an energetic day is waiting for you.
8. Working from home?
Yes, an office-based setup time keeps us disciplined and focused but this can be difficult to recreate at home. Create a secluded space for yourself which is neat and quiet. Make sure you have a fixed daily work time which will automatically make your brain concentrate and achieve your deadlines.
9. De-clutter
Now that we have a lot of time in hand, it is time to de-clutter! This de-clutter should be at both ends – your mind and the physical space you occupy which is your home! De-cluttering not only relaxes your mind but a cleaner space brings on more positivity.
10. Light the lamps and spray some natural fragrance.
Decorate your house with some scented lamps and essential oils and enjoy the same feeling of being in touch with nature. Fill your house with positive vibes. Open your windows and enjoy the pollution-free air at this time.
Use each and every minute of this phase. Make your time productive and enjoy your home stay!
(About Dr. Khushbu Suthar: I am a Homeopathic Practitioner with
a specialization in Diet Planning and Nutrition from Mumbai. I am holding a
degree in Clinical Hypnotherapy, and by amalgamating these three, my aim in life is to research mind, Body and Soul. Flamboyant colors of vegetables and Vivid Psychology of Human mind is what enchants me. An avid explorer of healing now practicing in Bikaner)
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