PSYsolution Series 1: ARTICLE 7 of 15: DISEASE, a loveable initiative of the body
Dec 30, 2024

Do you service your car?
In the process, the car is cleaned and all the deposited waste materials in its parts get removed.
Being a nonliving object, the car does not have a sensitive capability otherwise this process of servicing would have been very painful and discomforting for the car.
Disease happens to be the process of servicing for us.
Here we are not talking about the so-called tagged lifestyle diseases, those are just nomenclatures. The real health does not have any connection with these names; the actual problem is overspend of the VITALITY, knowingly and unknowingly. The overspend of vitality causes ENERVATION which eventually causes TOXAEMIA.
In this article, we are talking about a few prominent discomforting conditions often we consider as problems.
Those are Fever, Flu, Loose-motion, Acute Pain, Skin Rashes etc.
These are absolutely needed tools that we are equipped with to cleanse ourselves.
There is a saying - Nature is neither positive nor negative, it is just as it is!
This statement is right and wrong both.
It is right, because we always consider positive or negative under some references or expectations. Terming the polarity under some specific influence may be right in some specific condition but not in general. Hence opining Nature as positive or negative is a limited conclusion.
It is wrong, because holistically every aspect of nature showcases growth, progression, moving in the forward direction. Moving forward is generally considered as positive. In that sense, Nature is always positive.
Take an example of the birth of any organism, it physically grows, moves forward eventually perishes when it is decayed after optimal use of its life. Then the lifeless body of organisms recycled to Nature and Nature moves on.
Consideration of positivity with our own definition of peripheral favouring or non-favouring contributions under some specific circumstances, is a falsified assumption.
Holistic perception only can give us the real sense of the actual state.
Image credit: Larisa-K via
It neither favours 'you' or goes against 'you', on 'your' term of understanding.
The neural state is the actual Positive State.
This state is equipped with the tendency to maintain the state of equilibrium.
The tendency to maintain the state of equilibrium is the most positive state because it fights with the negativity continuously.
Maintaining the Homeostasis of the body is the objective of disease, always.
Avoiding the toxin inputs completely, is a difficult and perhaps an impossible state in this modern human-developed societies.
Either you have limited the toxin-inputs, so that your continuous and regular toxin eliminations are enough to expel those toxins.
Or, you need these special eliminations time to time to cleanse your body.
This is the reason we often tell our clients, that,
"If you are not leading a life according to nature’s norms and you are not falling sick with fever for long then you are heading towards some big problem with the accumulated toxins."
Conservation of vitality happens to be the key in the process. And these healing crises happen to be a proof of raised vitality in the body and due to that the body has decided to maintain its homeostasis. Disease brings all possible indications of body’s effort to bring back its homeostasis. Healing crises need a lot of conserved vitality to execute its task of special elimination of toxins.
In most of the cases, our conscious contribution in the reversal process is limited to hold ourselves and doing nothing!
Let me discuss these few prominent healing crises:
Toxin elimination routes:
- Perspiration, sweat, stool, urine
- Physically–Physiologically–Psychologically
- By going to bed and stay there
- By fasting, by not eating any food but sipping water whenever feeling thirst.
- By staying in a positive neutral state of mind.
- Wet warm compresscan be given on the forehead in case of headache or severe discomforts.
Possible mismanagement (To be avoided):
Any type of Suppressions:
- Through any external substance e.g. any type of medicines or herbs etc.
- Not taking rest properly
- Any intervention to reduce temperature such as, enema/tona or cold head-bath etc. The body works hard to raise the temperature to get rid of toxin; any of our intervention should not oppose that.
Image credit: Pexels cia
Toxin elimination routes:
- Mucus expulsions through nose, eyes, stool etc.
- Physically–Physiologically–Psychologically
- By going to bed and stay there
- By fasting, by not eating any food but sipping water whenever feeling thirst.
- By staying in a positive neutral state of mind.
- Steam inhalation and drinking warm water could reduce the discomforts.
- Monitor the temperature during flu as it comes with fever often, then apply management of fever as well.
Possible mismanagement (To be avoided):
Any type of Suppressions:
- Through any external substance e.g. any type of medicines or herbs etc.
- Not taking rest properly
- Any intervention to stop the expulsion of mucus. We should never hinder the body's initiative to expel toxins on the name of discomfort management.
Toxin elimination routes:
- Stool.
- Physically–Physiologically–Psychologically
- By going to bed and stay there
- By fasting, by not eating any food but sipping water whenever feeling thirst.
- By staying in a positive neutral state of mind.
- Wet compress in the abdomen if it aches/hurts too much.
- Sipping water whenever feeling thirst and keeping yourself hydrated
Image credit: cuncon via
Possible mismanagement (To be avoided):
Any type of Suppressions:
- Through any external substance e.g. any type of medicines or herbs etc.
- Not taking rest properly
- Any intervention to stop the expulsion of stool. We should never hinder the body's initiative to expel toxins on the name of discomfort management.
Image credit:JerzyGoreckivia
It is considered to be a complicated problem. Actually, it is not so unless it is mismanaged due to impatience. There could be various pains. Here we are talking about general management of pain. For specific management of pain, one has to take expert analysis and consultations.
Toxin elimination routes:
- It often happens through the symptoms of Fever. Hence the expulsion of toxin happens through perspiration. Otherwise, in general,the pain is pressure by the body which works to normalize blocked circulation.
- Hydrotherapy is the best management which does not suppress the problem. One needs specificexpert consultation for this, for the first time.
- REST being the common of all.
- Keeping patience is very important and due to impatience, we tend to initiate suppression.
- The exercise which does not hurt but facilitates circulation is needed to manage the condition.
Possible mismanagement:
Any type of Suppressions:
- Through any external substance e.g. any type of medicines or herbs etc.
- Not taking rest properly
- Any intervention to enforce circulation through magneto-therapy or any violent massage or exercise works against the body.
For skin problems, the managment is common as far as not hindering the body in its toxin expulsion process. Skin is the largest ELIMINATING ORGAN of the body.
All the skin problems cannot be clubbed in a single generalized format. We recommend, specific consultation for specific skin problem managements.
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The opinions expressed in this material are based on pure Nature Cure science of health and do not coincide with medicinal theories. PSYsolution does not claim that any advice given, represents a "cure" for diseases. If anyone has doubts regarding his or her health, it is the responsibility of the individual to consult a competent health practitioner. These materials are not aimed at hurting anybody’s belief or philosophy. PSYsolution believes that the true health does not need treatment, it needs education. It is an endeavour to educate that “The cure is from within”!
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