Part 3 β How to practice the art of surrendering
Dec 30, 2024
In part1 we learnt the meaning of surrendering with examples. In part2 we understood about intuition and raising vibrations with a positive lifestyle. In this article, we will learn the practical approaches to practising total surrender and reaping the benefits of that in our daily lives.
Fruits of surrender
Fruits of surrender are in the blissful experience. Life goes on as usual but without the bitterness of wants and fears of our egoistic self. There is a sense of peace that no longer depends on situations, people or events to make us happy and satisfied. All possible outcomes must be accepted and enjoyed with the same spirit, the perfect and imperfect merge and don’t seem to matter anymore.
Series of steps to follow to practice surrender
The following are the steps that I follow which have personally helped me see results more often than not:
- Step1 - Gratitude for the present- Get your mind to the centre of your being – calm, peaceful, happy. If it helps, think of an unrelated happy thought and get to a mentally peaceful state. Feel the gratitude for what you already have. This will help you raise your vibrations and become open for communications with the universe.
“The more thankful I became, the more my bounty increased. That’s because – for sure -what you focus on expands. When you focus on the goodness in life, you create more of it.”- Oprah Winfrey
- Step 2 - Remove abundance blocks – Before we get into a mode of asking the universe, we must remove our logical thinking blocks such as “I don’t deserve”, “I am poor”, “The time is too short for any results”, “I am not creative”, “I have poor communication skills” etc. These are called abundance blocks that stop your request from reaching the source. The universe is limitless in all aspects. It’s not a pie that needs to be shared.
- Step 3 - Trust the supreme- Trust that the universe knows what’s best for you better than yourself
- Step 4 – Act of surrender - The spoken word is very powerful. You can state your intention to surrender. The power of sound has been explained in part2. A strong thought is
Example - “Dear God, thank you for all the blessings bestowed upon me. I am grateful. I request you to help me find a book I lost. I know you will help. Thank you.”
- Step 5 – Let go - Now let the thought go, don’t have any attachment to the ask or task, let-go of all apprehensions of any form of outcomes. Any strings of anxiety, fear, curiosity, restlessness, pressure of timelines can dissipate the strength of the request. Be open to new opportunities that come your way and remember that sometimes things will manifest in a slightly different way than what you expected. Your state of being must feel that you have delegated an important task to a trust-worthy person who does not need follow-up. He will get back to you when a task is done. Until then, any thoughts towards that task is not necessary.
- Step 6 – After receiving - Then, once we receive what we have asked for, we should show gratitude for what we received in whatever form or intensity it may be in. This creates a spiral of appreciation, gratitude and positivity and raises our vibration that will help us to manifest bigger and better things in future.
I have been teaching the power of blessings and art of surrendering to all my clients for some time now. Here are some real-life results of surrendering that I have seen in my own life.
- Lost recipe book – I lost a recipe book that I maintained since my school days and had sentimental value. We were relocating and during this time, the book went missing. One day while I was discussing this casually with a friend who is also a lightworker, she reminded me about surrender. I expressed gratitude to the universe for my current situation, let go off all my anxiety and doubts about the book and asked “Dear God, please help me find my recipe book, it is dear to me and although I don’t use many of those recipes, I still wish to keep it. Thanks in advance. I trust you and I have full faith in you.” I tried ‘my luck’. I went on with the relocation work and did not remember about this for the next 3 days. On the 4th day, I missed the book as I wanted to refer it for a vegan recipe. My husband reminded me saying when you have asked God, trust that he will find it for you. I told him, I had cleaned all the shelves and it was not to be seen. Notice my linear mind butting in logic here. He said, even if you have emptied the shelves, we have not emptied the house yet. Later that evening, we were doing a status check of the items in each room and I saw a brown wrapper behind a vase that was not touched and knew it was the missing book. I jumped in joy and happiness and thanked God for the blessing.
- Finding organic birdfeed – This experience has happened twice. In 2018, I decided to start feeding birds on my terrace. I needed a supply of birdfeed. Since we consume organic at home for healthier living, I did not want to feed my guests, the birds with non-organic grains. However, I started feeding them organic grains and it was getting quite expensive. So I decided to try the surrender option to get in touch with organic farmers. I surrendered to God saying “I thank you for all the organic food that we have been blessed with. I would like to feed the same quality to the birds visiting us. Please help reducing my costs. Thanks in advance and I have full faith in you.” With this, I still continued to search for people who can sell it for a cheaper price while continuing to feed the birds. One fine day I got a farmers’ contact from a friend who owns an organic store and turns out that the farmer had grown organic millets in excess and was unable to sell them as they were not worthy of human consumption He asked me if I can bear the transport charges from the village. It cost me βΉ7 per kg for transporting which essentially was 10x less than the organic millets I bought. He sold 140kgs to me.
A similar surrendering exercise made me meet another farmer who gave me mixed millets that were not fit for human consumption but were grown organically for free of cost this time. She has been a great friend and has already given me at least 50-60kgs so far.
- Leftover food – I usually pack leftover food to the people who sweep the roads in Bangalore. One day I forgot to keep the pack in the usual place for her to pick up. while I was silently meditating. I immediately surrendered and asked that the packet reach her. I finished my meditation and was busy with my chores. I noticed her cart come in for the second time at an unusual time. I thanked God for helping and immediately gave her the food packet. She was happy to receive it.
- My favourite song – I had memories of listening to a devotional song by a certain singer from my childhood and since many years was searching for it. Many singers have sung that song but in a different raag. When I learnt the art of surrender, I decided to apply it. I don’t remember how long I waited since I surrendered, but one fine day after surrendering, I had this urge to google for the song. I had googled a zillion times in the past for the song by the singer and had not found it. That day, the first hit was a YouTube recording of the singer in that raag. Someone had uploaded it recently. My joy knew no bounds.
- My injured hand – I had a deep wound on my right palm in early 2018 and I could use only my left for over a month I had to plan in detail in advance and get things ready with the help of people around me. During this time, I was in a very happy state of mind too despite my limitations. I had surrendered to get all possible help to manage my chores and maintain status quo. I could manage very well - Kitchen containers were not tight, people would show up when I needed help, I would get unusual ideas to manage work in the kitchen, I suddenly became ambidextrous, my maid did not apply for leave, my kids did not fall sick, my raw juicing and fruits did not stop. I am very grateful to this day for that genuine experience. When I met with an accident and fractured the same hand later in 2019, I knew exactly how to manage with just one hand. The miracles repeated again too.
- New word planted – We had organized a bhajan program at home last year. I was keen on knowing the meaning of one word from a song I was practising. I looked for the song on google did not find its meaning. I found only one song on YouTube which was not too clear too. I surrendered to the saint who had composed the song and moved on with my effort of trying to find the meaning. The next time I tried listening to the YouTube song, a word immediately flashed in my mind. That word was still not clear when I listened to the song, but this new word came to me and made sense too. I was thrilled with this experience.
- Lost scooter keys/phone headset – I have misplaced or lost keys, headsets and many such articles in the past and have found it in unusual places or in the same place that I had previously searched thoroughly.
- Turning point in my life – Sometimes, we get pushed to a corner to fulfil our soul journey. I believe that after facing two life-threatening ill – health experiences, I surrendered to the unknown and followed a natural healing path which I had no proof will work for me. I just blindly believed someone who I did not know too. I went through a healing crisis with a belief that my body is eliminating even when I had no one to discuss that with. I had just surrendered to all kinds of outcomes and the timeline of healing was also unknown. Overall if I look back on that experience, I am grateful to God for guiding me based on my instincts. I am here sharing my knowledge with the world because of that experience that changed the way I lived.
- Lost Rayban – I lost my Rayban sunglasses in a temple in 2018. I asked for that to be returned back to me, but I think I may not have strongly asked for it and I did not find it. In the past, I had a mind-block that heat gives me a headache. The positive learning, I had from this experience is that I learnt to appreciate going out in the sun. I became more open to looking at nature with my own eyes as opposed to an artificial pair of eyes.
I have experienced many such blessings for a long time, but I started journaling only since 2017 and have more than 75-80 experiences.
When I was asked to write this article, I considered this a form of prayer. The topic was huge, but I had surrendered to God even for the success of this article to bring out the best with clarity.
Be patient with yourself, even if surrendering doesn’t come immediately. You will get the hang of it. Don’t let resistance stop you! Keep trying. Only with practice, you will get better with all forms of communication including this. I can be reached if you need clarity anywhere. You can apply the art of surrendering to any aspect of your life even for the most mundane.
Be blessed.
(About myself: Formerly I was with the IT industry for 2 decades and also have my venture on healthy vegan baking. I have suffered life-threatening allergies and survived twice. I learnt to heal naturally and applied the same on both my kids aged 13 &10. We as a family, live a healthy, disease-free lifestyle. Based on my experience and what I have gained from reading, I help others in reversing their ailments naturally and holistically.)
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