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National Naturopathy Day | The Medicine-Free Science of Healing

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National Naturopathy Day | The Medicine-Free Science of Healing

National Naturopathy Day

“Only in Naturopathy, The Patient Becomes The Doctor’ ~ Pranaw Yoga Maruthuvan

The Ministry of Ayush, India celebrated the first Naturopathy Day in 2018 to promote this science of healing. This day is observed every year on 18th November to encourage people to adopt this natural and medicine-free form of healthcare, which removes diseases by altering diet & lifestyle. This year, we bring to you some interesting insights about Naturopathy & a quick self-health check. Read on to discover more about Naturopathy...

What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is the science of using the five natural elements to raise health and remove the cause of diseases from the body. It is based on the principle that our bodies have self-healing capability that can be harnessed by living in sync with nature. The process includes managing our inner life-force (Vitality) to achieve optimum health and elimination of toxins from our body. 

History & Origin

Naturopathy dates back to the 19th-century European movement of Natural Cure, which started in Germany with Hydrotherapy (use of water for curing). The ancient Greek, Father of Medicine, Hippocrates was one of the pioneers of naturopathy who advocated it even before the term existed. The term Naturopathy was coined in 1895 by Dr. John Scheel. Mahatma Gandhi was a proponent of Naturopathy. He practiced it and even wrote a book called ‘Nature Cure’. 

In India, Naturopathy can be traced back to the Vedic times and finds mention in ancient texts. However, its revival happened around 1894 when  Shri D. Venkat Chelapati Sharma translated a book written by Germany’s Louis Kuhne “New Science of Healing”. Following this, many naturopaths founded Naturopathy in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujrat, UP & Bengal. One of those founding fathers of naturopathy in India was Acharya K. Laxman Sarma, whose grandson Dr. Arun Sharma is the Founder Director of the International Institute of Mahayoga & Natural Hygiene (IMANAH), USA. 

Dr. Arun Sharma says “Naturopathy has the word ‘pathy’, which indicates symptoms. Naturopathy thus represents the treatment of symptoms or diseases through natural methods. However, in Nature Cure, the word ‘Cure’ represents ‘Cura’ (Latin) which means Care. Nature Cure is nature’s care of health. Every life is endowed with a self-repairing, self-maintaining, and self-improving mechanism, which forms the creative intelligence of life. It is a system of care that relies on the creative intelligence of life to deal with all problems related to physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional health.”

Nature Cure is the non-conventional and medicine-free method of healing. It emphasizes ‘removing the root cause of a disease’, instead of curing the symptoms. Nature Cure believes that a disease is a result of ‘not maintaining the proper atmosphere for life to thrive in our body’. It means that when toxins are accumulated in our body due to poor lifestyle or dietary habits, germs get an environment to thrive on, which leads to the display of certain symptoms (termed as a ‘disease’). 

Are You Really Healthy?

When we correct our lifestyle & food habits and live as per nature’s design, our body gets into a detox mode, removing all toxins and hence getting rid of the cause of any disease. 

Going by this principle, we are sharing with you the REAL parameters of gauging your health. No, these are not your Blood count, Oxygen level, Cholesterol, or BP readings. These are the signs that indicate How Healthy Are You to stave off any infections or diseases and live a life free of medicines:

10 Health Parameters (By Dr. Arun Sharma):

  1. Equal Distribution of Heat all over the body - If any part of your body is cold or hotter than the rest of your body, it might be a cause for concern

  2. Feeling of Complacency - This stands for your overall wellbeing when you feel satisfied from inside in all walks of life.

  3. Graceful Movements - Only a healthy person can have absolutely graceful daily movements, such as walking, sitting, standing, or talking.

  4. Keen Hunger - If you eat only when you are really hungry that is a sign of good health. Often, we eat without true hunger, just to satiate our craving. This leads to overeating and the accumulation of toxins in the body. 

  5. Sound Sleep - If you sleep each night peacefully for an adequate number of hours and experience deep sleep, you feel fresh and energetic in the morning. Rest is a vital component of good health.

  6. Happy Mind - If your mind is at ease and pleasant, irrespective of the changing circumstances around you, stands for good mental health.

  7. Fit Body - If you don’t get tired easily, feel a burst of energy within you to carry out the day’s functions without any physical pains, and are active enough.

  8. Absence of Laziness - If you don’t keep delaying the tasks, work with ample zeal, and feel good about it.

  9. Effortless & Timely Elimination of Waste - Excretion of waste is extremely important to keep your body free of toxins. Hence, proper and timely (preferably first thing in the morning) elimination of body waste is a crucial sign of good health.

  10. Feeling Light & Free - When no part of your body calls for your attention through pain or restlessness and you feel completely at ease with your body.

Assess yourself on these parameters and see if you are Truly Healthy. Most of these parameters can be corrected/ achieved by checking your daily habits. Wellcure is your companion in your journey to Nature Cure. 

This Naturopathy Day Wellcure wishes you Holistic health & Nature’s wealth, as we continue to Simplify Natural Healing for You.  

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