My PCOD Journey : From Pill to Holistic Healing
Nov 20, 2024

Dr. Rashi Kumar is a homeopathic doctor and was diagnosed with PCOD when she was just 14. At that tender age, she was put on OCPs! Dealing with immense physical and mental stress, Rashi decided to find a cure and discovered holistic healing. Read on to know all about her PCOD journey and how she overcame this disorder.
Dr. Rashi Kumar
24 yrs, Homeopathic Doctor
As some doctors say, there's a pandemic of PCOD. One in every 5 women suffers from it. HOW IT STARTED
I was diagnosed with PCOD in 2011 when I was in 9th standard. It started with irregular menses, weight gain, and excessive facial hair growth. I didn't know what was happening to my body. I was a teenager with so many other issues as well. My gynecologist put me on OCPs which I took for 2 weeks and I got my periods. It was a sign of relief. But things got worse sooner rather than later. I got my periods straight for a month and a half. I was tired and depressed. I lost my appetite and was not able to sleep peacefully for most of the night. My gynecologist didn't provide me any assurance nor did she mention any of the side effects that I was experiencing. In my opinion, the side effects of OCPs outweigh their benefits. I was shattered and my trust was broken. Luckily, my mom encouraged and I stopped taking allopathic medications.
I started taking homeopathic medications in 2012 for 8-9months and my health got better. Regular periods and my reports came back normal. My life was back on track.
I started my medical college in 2014 and started missing periods whenever there used to be any deadlines with submissions or any situations which were too stressful to cope with. I realized it a hard way that only taking medications won't help in the long term.
I started going for Pilate classes which made me lose weight and I became skinny. I didn't know about eating healthy. I was hardly eating 1000 calories a day and skipping meals just because I had a cheat meal. My goal was to lose weight and I achieved that. I was not happy even after losing a significant amount of weight or I say muscle mass. I became depressed right before my final exams due to some personal tragedy. I started getting hormonal acne and I did everything to hide them.
I reached a turning point in my life when allopathic medications failed to help me or guide me towards the management of my disease. Just taking medications and losing weight was not the solution. I decided to take my health into my own hands. I started studying on my own about holistic healing along with taking homeopathic medications. I began studying about causes of PCOD and different approaches to tackle my problem.
But my true journey started only after 2016 when my acne was unmanageable and I was not able to lose weight.
I started working out regularly, paying more attention to strength training and yoga than cardio. I started following a plant-based diet, balanced my meals with good quality fats, protein, and complex carbohydrates. I made sure to include 2-3 servings of vegetables and 1-2 servings of any fruit in daily meals. I would consume water with ACV/Moringa Powder/Methi dana powder first thing in the morning, have a breakfast of fruit, then eat overnight soaked nuts after some time. My lunch was mostly home-cooked dal, sabzi, and 1 chapati or brown rice/ white rice/ quinoa. In between meals I would take green tea or coconut water if I felt hungry. I made sure to eat my dinner by 8 pm and sleep on time.
“One of the most difficult things was to procure good quality plant-based milk, which was often a challenge. So I started making my own plant-based milk at home.”
Later in my journey, I noticed that despite eating healthy and working out at least 5 times a week, I was still missing at least 1-2 periods in a year. I started looking for answers to this problem. I knew that mental health is important but never realized that mental health is equally important as physical health.
To improve my mental health and well-being, I started doing meditation for 5-minutes. I also practiced a few relaxation techniques whenever I was too stressed to meditate.
It helped! I used to sleep peacefully after my meditation session. I started talking openly about my emotions and feelings. I learned ways to cope up with my stress and anxiety. Staying away from negative energy and focusing more on positive aspects of life.
Most of my symptoms have subsided. My skin is better and continuously healing now, I don’t get acne anymore. My periods are regular and my recent USG reports show no cysts.
It took me 9 years to understand how a disease can make or break you and how you always have a choice.
Relying completely on one source, any medications; allopathic, homeopathic, or ayurvedic won't help if you are not willing to change your lifestyle.
Actively participate in your health. It's your body and you should decide how you want to take care of it.
I meditate for 10-15 minutes every day. Deep-breathing and relaxation technique helps in extremely stressful days. I also practice hatha yoga and yin-yang yoga 2-3 times a week. I make sure to get 10-15 minutes of sunlight and 20-30 minutes of moonlight every day. I strength train 5 times a week for at least 30-40 minutes and practice yoga when I'm close to my periods’ date. I take a break whenever I'm mentally exhausted. I don't hesitate to ask for help. I have a routine that I love to follow.
I'm healthy, strong, and happy and I want to continue my life just like that.
(About Dr. Rashi Kumar: Rashi is a 24-year-old, practicing homeopathic doctor. She lives in NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh with her parents and elder sister. She has also studied psychology and nutrition. She firmly believes in holistic health and continues to follow the lifestyle which she adopted to cure PCOD. She enjoys a healthy and happy life currently, and is working towards helping people live a healthier life with holistic healing.)
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