Mono-Fruit Breakfast | The Healthiest Way to Start Your Day
Dec 30, 2024

Eating one fruit for breakfast, is a perfect way to start your day. Does the idea seem daunting to you food lovers? Think about it. It is not just the most nutritious way but also the easiest one that fits our busy mornings. No hassle to decide what to cook, no time spent cooking in the morning, and nature’s healthy food to get you going as the most energizing start for your busy day!
Mono-fruit breakfasts are not a fad diet. It is the most natural way to begin our day, the way nature intended it. Know all about why it is beneficial for you and how to go about it in this article.
Why Fruits?
Humans are frugivores, i.e., fruits are our natural foods. Our bodies are designed to eat fruits in raw form. Our trichromatic vision, sense of smell, and taste buds are drawn to the sweet taste of fruit. Our forefathers knew that fruits are the ones easiest to digest among all food groups and hence advocated a diet of phala-ahaar - A period of fasting, cleansing, and spiritual activity with a diet of only fruits.
Ripe Fruits and Digestion
Fruits are pre-digested food. And that is why they sustain the body with very little energy expenditure on digestion. All that the body needs to do is to assimilate them. Fruits represent starch in a complete stage of digestion. This unrefined carb is a source of energy that you need in the mornings. The more we conserve the energy for digestion in the morning, the more the body has left for other activities like cleanup, repair, rejuvenation, activity, and creative thinking. Still not convinced? Read on..
Why Eat Fruits in Breakfast?
Our body works in a rhythm that is in-sync with the natural cycles of day and night. This is called The Circadian Rhythm. If our daily routine and body functions are performed as per this rhythm, then good health is achieved effortlessly. According to this, between 4 am and 12 noon, our body is in the ‘Elimination Stage’.
When we wake up in the morning, we probably have bad breath, we get up & go to the toilet, or clean our mouth & face to feel fresh. This is because the body is in the process of eliminating wastes and food debris. We should not eat heavy food during this stage otherwise, wastes start getting accumulated, leading to fat deposits & illnesses.
So, eating light in the morning is important. Fruits are the easiest to digest and also help the body to flush out toxins. That is why fruits are the ideal breakfast for humans.
Why One Fruit, One Meal?
Doing one thing at a time is easier, right? Same for our body.
Mixing fruits or eating multiple fruits at a time can be tempting but it increases the time required for their digestion, as compared to eating a single type of fruit.
A fruit salad may stimulate taste buds but it can also make us overeat, ignoring the brain's signals that indicate a full tummy.
One fruit in a meal makes you appreciate the simple taste, texture, smell of one humble food and gradually trains your brain to tell when to stop eating
If you have already been having fruits for breakfast for some time now, step up your game and opt for a mono fruit breakfast.
How To Do It?
Eat only 1 variety of fruit every day for breakfast.
Do not add any other food group, cooked or raw with fruits.
Choose local and seasonal fruits, juicy fruits are better than fleshy ones.
Don’t eat the same fruit every day. Different fruits have different nutritional profiles
You can make it interesting for the whole family by giving different fruit to each member as per their likes.
Summertime gives us the best of hydrating, juicy fruits. So it is a good time to start.
Examples of fruits to start with - Watermelon, Grapes, Apples, Bananas
Turn them into smoothies, if you like.
Keep your fruit baskets full & eat as per the circadian rhythm.
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