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Magic of Water - Hydrotherapy part 2

health blog health blog hydrotherapy Dec 31, 2024
Magic of Water - Hydrotherapy part 2

Taking it further from our previous blog post - The magic of hydrotherapy part 1, let us delve into the depths of the topic of Hydrotherapy and learn about the different ways in which we can use water for healing purposes.


The Cooling Wet Pack

This is suitable for people with acute issues such as fevers, etc, where the reactive powers of the body are still very strong. Place two thick wet towels cross on one another on a table and let the sick person lie on it. Cover the trunk from below the armpits to the waist with both the towels. If need be it can also be arranged in such a manner as to cover the thighs and the knees. Pour more water on the towels as to get them dripping wet, cover with two swollen blankets to keep the air from cooling the towels more than necessary. The body heat will warm up the towels in 15 to 20 minutes. If this doesn’t happen then it means the body’s reactive powers are too weak. Thus, this pack is not suitable for this person; he can be given the stimulating wet pack instead.

Once the towels turn warm the patient may stay in it as long as he likes, then remove the wet pack and cover with blankets for warmth. Do not forget the wet towel on the head to during the wet pack. If need be the wet towel could be replaced with a wet bandage for the head, temples and forehead to pull out excess heat from the brain.

The Stimulating Wet Pack

A stimulating wet pack is a bit similar and different too at the same time. The wet pack is usually a thin sheet instead of thick Turkish towels. And it is not dripping wet, it is wrung and all excess water is removed. This sheet is wrapped all around the body and covered with two woollen blankets. The blankets are covered in such a way that even the feet are wrapped.

This wet pack is suitable for people with low vitality or people in a chronic stage of the disease. The sheet will start feeling warm soon after the feeling of initial cold. A wet pack has to be placed on the head. After the body feels warm enough we can remove the blankets and follow with a normal shower. Pat dry and get into warm clothes.

Let's understand this better with the help of a table:



This is useful in acute diseases and accidents

This is useful in chronic diseases and degenerative diseases


This pack has a thick layer

This pack has a thin layer

The cloth is dripping wet

The cloth is wrung out well to remove all excess water protected from the external air

The cloth is wrapped rather loosely

The sheet is wrapped rather closely

The pack remains exposed to the external air, which helps in cooling and relieving the pain

The pack is covered very well with woollen blankets to keep it

Water is sprinkled at intervals

No water is sprinkled after the pack is put on

Duration of the pack is short, like 30 to 60 minutes, can be repeated

repeated The duration is longer than 2 hours and once done is not repeated too often

The pack was successful if it has cooled the particular part

The pack has done well if the temperature of the body is brought up


Wet packs around the abdomen

Towel or soft cotton cloth folded in 3 or 4 folds make it a bandage of 6 inches breadth, could be wet in cold water and wrapped around the abdomen every morning on an empty stomach, most preferably first thing in the morning to help move your bowels. It is very useful in chronic constipation, IBS and a weak digestive system. One can get an instant or fast pain relief during bloating or pain due to indigestion. The abdominal wet pack is a very good alternative to a cold hip bath.

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Eye packs

For any type of eye infections, weakness, or tiredness a wet pack is very helpful every day at least for 30 minutes.

Brain Coolants

Use two swabs of wet cotton on both the temples and cover it up with a wet wrap around the head.

The Achamana

This is a way of keeping the body cool from inside during very high fever. The process of the achamana is to give cold water in very minute doses to let the body assimilate it. Along with pure air and sun, a time dose of water is given to the patient to be sipped. It can be given by a spoon. Half a spoon of water at a time, repeating in every 2 or 3 seconds. One can give 10 to 20 such spoons of water a time. To keep the body hydrated even during high fever. This treatment can be repeated every 5 minutes until the fever goes down.


This treatment is pouring of cold water over a pack or bandage on any part of the body that is painful until relief is got. This generally relieves pain soon. The pack must be not only on the affected area but on a wider area.
When there’s a pain in the ears an enema can and nozzle can be used for gushing water inside the ear. It must be done very non-violently. The can must be kept not too far from the ear to create just slight pressure.
Gushing the eliminatory organs after passing urine or stools is also a very useful procedure. It works as a tonic. For old people who find it difficult to pass urine, can keep on pouring cold water on the organ until the free flow of urine has started.

Immersion in water

Where even gushing water hasn’t helped, in persistent and severe pain, the affected part should be immersed in a basin of water till the pain has subsided and then a wet pack may be placed to continue healing.


In case of sore or ulcers in the mouth, headaches, swollen gums, any inflammation in the oral cavity or earaches one could gargle with cold water. Keep gargling till the water becomes warm and then spit it out. This can be repeated until one gets relief from pain.

Throat cooling

To relieve cough temporarily, one could take cold water in the mouth, lie down and let the water touch the back of the throat. Let the water stay till it gets warm, then you may spit it out. This can give temporary relief from bouts of cough.

Warm-water gargling

Warm water gargling could help in tonsillitis, or throat pain.

Water can be used in such multifold ways that one can just adapt as per the need of the situation and use water to get some relief. Water is a very integral and vital part in our basic healing and cleansing process. And most of these treatments can be tried by any layman without much risk of complications. As there isn’t much risk of any kind in trying water on any part of your body.

I find the best book to refer for further assistance in this field is the Practical Nature Cure by Acharya K. Lakshmana Sharma.

(About Swati Dhariwal - I am a Nature Cure Practitioner, practising at Kayakalp Nature Cure Center at Arcot in vellore, Tamilnadu. I was brought up in a household where nature based lifestyle was the norm. I was initially trained in practical nature cure under my father, late Dr B Premchand Banthia at Sri Guru Ganesha Nature Cure Sanatorium, in Chennai. There I had seen first hand how nature could help people over come all types of health issues from Chronic cold to cancer, including diabetes, mental disturbances, etc).

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