Is wearing of contact lens natural?
Dec 26, 2024

Contact lenses damage eyes
Wearing of spectacles started as a necessity but became a fashion as can be seen by a fact that numerous young men and wean wear plain glasses and cooling glasses with ornamental frames, just for looking good. Now contact lens has come to replace the ‘ugly looking’ external spectacles. This spurious product is now catching the fancy of the bespectacled.
Let us see what the Contact Lens has in store for the user. Contact lenses are thin saucer-like lenses made of synthetic material which are fitted on the eye itself over the corneal surface. It is true that they are of lens power compared to the conventional lens. Nevertheless, it is a lens and what applies to the conventional lens applies to it too. i.e. With the advance of years its power will have to be increased. The comparative comfort of wearing a progressively thicker lens on the outside of the eye and one on the eyeball itself can very well be imagined. But that is not all.
Dr. Michael Lemp, Chairman of Georgetown University's Centre for Sight, U.S.A reported that ''Contact lenses reduce the oxygen supply to the cornea's susceptibility to become diseased. If dirty lenses are worn, the position would be worse still. The contact lenses trap a stagnant pool of tears in the eyes, which is undesirable. Corneal ulcers occur when the protective outer layer of the cornea is thus breached. The transparent cornea is scarred, blocking vision”.
The report in the Houston Chronicle cited a number of instances where extended wear of contact lenses have promoted corneal ulcers.
Natural Cure
ALL defects of eyes can be radically cured by improving overall health through natural hygiene. The eye is no exception. Only that which can increase the health level, in general, will improve the eyesight
Pashyema,sharadashshatam - It is a Vedic prayer for the preservation of full ns clear eyesight throughout life. It was not a mere wish prayed for, but was, and can be, a wish fulfilled. Prevention is no doubt better than cure and if one turns to the hygienic way of life before becoming enslaved to the use of spectacles, one can be totally free of these for life. But even in cases where eyesight has become a return to the hygienic way of life suited to the particular condition will progressively improve the strength of the eyes and it might be possible to discard the glasses eventually. Even if this does become possible, further deterioration can be arrested.
The ‘living’ contact lens’ is still worse!
As if the contact lens made available through opticians is not enough, some U.S.eye-surgeons have recently started attaching living contact lenses to the eyes! In the most recent surgical procedure developed in the U.S.A., called the ‘living contact lens'’ surgery, a super thin slice of the patient's cornea is removed, frozen, reattached to the eye to become a living contact lens. This surgery is recommended for restoring normal vision to both farsighted and extremely nearsighted people.
And as for the contact lens, pl. avoid 'contact' with them.
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