Hypo or hyper thyroid - Correct imbalance naturally
Dec 31, 2024

The glandular system
Though we may be the members of a single family, yet we all have different personalities on account of different ductless glands. The vast differences in our personalities depend upon the glands and they are responsible to make up one member of a family a versatile and knowledgeable person bestowing upon him an enviable position in society while on the other hand, another member of the same family may remain at the bottom of the rung.
These glands are situated in different parts of our organism. Though it is astonishing to note that such small glands through their secretion of different hormones have a very important role to play in our overall personalities, by their over and under active roles they have a telling hold over a human organism for the entire life - they impart different qualities.
Biology of the endocrine system
The endocrine system consists of a group of glands and organs that monitor and control various body functions by producing and secreting hormones. These do not have ducts and release their hormones directly into the bloodstream.
Some other ductless glands are as under -
- Pineal gland
- Pituitary gland
- Thymus gland
- Adrenal gland
- Sex gland
- Parathyroid gland
The thyroid gland
Right now we are to discuss the thyroid gland; The thyroid gland is a small gland, measuring 2 inches across, that lies just under the skin below the Adam’s Apple in the neck. The two halves (lobes) of the gland are connected in the middle (called the isthmus), giving the thyroid gland the shape of a bow tie. Normally, the thyroid gland cannot be seen and can barely be felt, but if it becomes enlarged (goitre), a doctor can easily feel it.
Functions of the thyroid gland
The thyroid gland secretes thyroid hormone, which controls the speed at which the body’s chemical functions proceed (metabolic rate). Thyroid hormones influence the metabolic rate in two ways: by stimulating almost every tissue in the body to produce proteins and by increasing the amount of oxygen that cells use. Thyroid hormones affect many vital body functions : (a) the heart rate, (b) the respiratory rate at which calories are burned, (c) skin maintenance and growth, (d) hormone productions, (e) fertility and (f) digestion.
The thyroid hormones are T4 (Thyroxine) and T3 (Triiodothyronine). T4 hormone produced by the thyroid gland, has only a slight, if any, effect on speeding up the body’s metabolic rate. Instead, T4(b) converted into T3, the more active hormone to produce thyroid hormones, the thyroid gland needs iodine, an element contained in food and water.
The thyroid gland also produces the hormone calcitonin, which may contribute to bone strength by helping calcium to be incorporated into bone.
Thyroid Gland Disorders
Hypothyroidism - Hypothyroidism is under activity of the thyroid gland that leads to inadequate production of thyroid hormones and slowing of vital body functions. It causes body function to slow down. Some of the symptoms are
- Facial expressions become dull
- Voice is hoarse
- Drooping eyelids
- Many people gain weight, become constipated and unable to tolerate cold.
- Hair becomes sparse, coarse and dry.
- Skin becomes coarse, dry, scaly and thick.
- Older people may become confused, forgetful, or demented - signs that can be easily be mistaken for Alzheimer’s disease or forms of dementia.
Hypothyroidism if untreated can eventually lead to anaemia, a low body temp, heart failure, a life-threatening complication (myxedema) where the patient may go into a coma or stupor and seizures occur.
Most people with hyperthyroidism have an enlarged thyroid gland (goitre). The entire gland may be enlarged, or modules may develop with certain areas. The gland may be tender and painful. In general, the patients have
- Increased heart rate and blood pressure,
- Abnormal heart rhythms,
- Excessive sweating,
- Head tremors (shakiness),
- Nervousness and anxiety,
- Difficulty in sleeping (insomnia),
- Weight loss despite increased appetite,
- Fatigue and weakness,
- And frequent bowel movements occasionally with diarrhoea.
Some people may not develop all the above symptoms but have what is sometimes called as apathetic or masked hyperthyroidism, in which they become weak, sleepy, confused, withdrawn and depressed. Hyperthyroidism can cause changes in the eyes. It may lead to Graves disease where the symptoms include puffiness around the eyes, increased tear formation, irritation, sensitivity to light, bulging eyes and cloudy vision. These eye changes may begin well before any other symptoms of hyperthyroidism providing an early clue to Graves disease. Eye symptoms may even appear or worsen after the excessive thyroid hormone secretion has been treated and controlled.
Nature Cure Treatment
The persistent suppression of acute diseases in the likes of cold, cough, diarrhoea, fever, vomiting, skin diseases over a long period results in accumulation of toxic filth poisoning the nervous system and bodily tissues - which to life principle is never given an opportunity to eliminate the toxic filth, brings about two untoward results, 1) the greater increase of encumbrances and 2) reduction of vitality which ultimately resulting in some organs becoming prone to diseases of some.
The nature cure treatment aims to rid the body of these toxicity, filth, encumbrances by employing the natural basic laws governing over organisms with the help of aakash (space), air, water, sun, earth, rest, exercise and mental poise.
1) Beware of drugs
The patient who wants to be radically cured should avoid all drugs as a first step.
The general health of the body is the only thing that matters and therefore health culture is the only right way of bringing back the thyroid gland to normalcy enabling the patient to get rid of all the symptoms of thyroid gland disorder.
Constipation is very much likely to be one of the causes since in any patient of chronic diseases the eliminatory organs viz. bowels, lungs, skin & kidneys do not work properly to throw out the filth. As such a non-violent enema of cold water (300ml) should be taken daily after normal bowel evacuation.
2)Correctives - Since underlying toxaemia is the root cause, the blood is highly acidic and to correct it, it is advised to drink some alkaline juices early morning; Bilva juice is quite alkaline in nature. Juice of 15 bilva leaves (5x3) should be taken early morning.
3) Sunbasking - Basking in the early morning sun by covering the head with a towel dipped in cold water for 25-30 mins. Initially, followed by a moderately cold water bath.
4). Exercise - Yoga Asanas to be employed may be; sarvangaasana, halasana, matsyasana, etc. Those not able to do asanas should opt for walking on grass.
5). Spinal bath for 20 mins.
6) Stimulating wet pad – Apply the wet pack for 20 minutes in the morning on the neck and 20 minutes on the abdomen in the evening.
7) Diet - Chronic patients should keep in mind that they will have to live mostly on Predominantly alkaline foods comprising of vegetables, leafy vegetables being predominant and fruits for a fairly long time.
- A glass of fresh juice in the morning.
- Lunch - steamed vegetables & salad.
- Afternoon - Tender coconut water or fruit juice.
- Dinner - Before 7:30 p.m. - steamed vegetables to which enough coconut scrapings should be added and salad.
This diet programme should be followed for 2-3 weeks.
Thereafter, one chapati may be added in the dinner if there is keen hunger.
It may be noted that according to Acharya K Lakshmana Sarma, the father of Nature in India, rest and positive diet are the two wings of the bird of health. Any chronic case may take anywhere from 6 months - 3 years to get a natural cure.
Individualising Treatment
In nature cure the beauty of the system is that there are no specifics for a particular disease and no specific ear-masked treatment for a specific disease. Every patient and his disease is considered as a whole particular to that individual, his background history of health and disease condition is considered in depth before treatment plans are finalized.
Healing Crisis
As the health level progresses the patient may experience a few healing crises ( e.g. common cold, cough, loose motions, fever) each of which may not last for more than 3-4 days. Let the patient know that the healing crisis occurs only to improve his level of health further. Let him, during each such healing crisis, either fast completely or live only on raw juices or tender coconut water. He can also take the enema, the cooling abdominal wet pack, hot foot bath etc. with advantage, curing these crises.
The aim of nature cure is to educate each individual to be self-healer as such he must understand the finer points of principle and laws governing the human organism. Disease is nothing but lower level of health and health can only be achieved by hygienic living, No drug can reach the cause of the disease. It is expected of each individual to understand the laws of health and cause of disease; Nature-curists only undertake to counsel the patient at great length.
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