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How Naturopathy Can Save India’s Overburdened Healthcare System?

health blog health blog naturopathy Nov 28, 2024
How Naturopathy Can Save India’s Overburdened Healthcare System?

We’ve seen our healthcare system collapse during COVID. Although, it recovered soon, and thankfully we’re out of the global pandemic yet a lot needs to be done.

“The Doctor: Patient ratio in India is 854”

“India has one of the lowest budgets for public health in the world”

And yet, we seek healthcare only when we fall sick! 

Why not be proactive and choose a healthcare system that can keep you healthy every day without any medicines or surgeries?

We’re talking about Naturopathy - a system of healthcare that’s ages old, but still relevant and working perfectly in modern times.

Why? Because Naturopathy aligns with the basic nature of the human body. It doesn’t alter or malign our body’s composition through chemicals or medicines. It maintains the body’s cycle of functioning with nature’s circadian rhythm. And most importantly, it uses the 5 Elements of Nature to Heal Diseases.

Today is national Naturopathy Day. On this occasion, take a moment and think about how do you approach your health. In a reactive manner (get treated when you fall sick) or a preventive manner (live healthily each day so that you never have to fall sick again)?

Read on to gain this perspective, and learn all about how choosing Naturopathy or Natural Healing can change your life for the better.

“Nature isn’t alternative medicine. It is the original and the only medicine you need”

Naturopathy- the savior to our over-burdened Healthcare system

At 2% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), India has one of the lowest public health budgets in the world. This gets reflected in the performance of the overall healthcare delivery system of our country.

The ratio of doctors to patients is 1:854 which means that for 854 people we have only 1 doctor, a manpower crisis. 

The current scenario also demonstrates the lack of adequate access to medicines, vaccines, medical equipment, and diagnostic facilities in government health centers.  In the private sector, access to medicines is easier, but the “ability-to-pay” factor leaves them out of reach for many households. 

The resulting financial burden continues to push over 55 million people into poverty every year, with over 17% of Indian households incurring huge levels of health expenditures annually.


Is your family one of these? Suffering due to expensive healthcare or ease of access to healthcare.

What’s The Solution?

Imagine this. If all of us become our own doctors and heal ourselves, then how much money would you save on medical bills each year?

We’re not talking about a fictitious scenario, nor are we promoting fake doctors. 

We are talking about empowering you with the knowledge and means of harnessing your own body’s healing powers using the 5 elements of nature, to heal, achieve better health, look better, feel better, and enjoy a much more fulfilling life.

This is precisely what Naturopathy does.

How Can Naturopathy Help a National Healthcare System?

All public health systems follow a ‘preventive’ approach to health - by educating people to reduce the instances of diseases through the right hygiene practices, nutrition, lifestyle, etc. Naturopathy aligns with the requirements of most public health models. It is preventive, focuses on the right nutrition and natural foods, advocates of nature-synced lifestyle, and enhances the human body’s natural abilities to prevent infections or diseases.

Naturopathy is a preventive model of healing. It does not focus on merely treating the symptoms but addresses the disease’s root causes. The naturopathy approach is more integrated, taking into account a patient’s physical, mental, and emotional health and all the other social and environmental factors. 

It is time that the world’s public health systems acknowledge naturopathy and integrate it into their models to offer more effective and holistic healthcare to people.

Here are the biggest advantages of naturopathy in providing better healthcare to people: 

Naturopathy focuses on using 5 elements of nature, the Sun, Water, Air, Earth, and Space to heal the human body. Natural therapies are non-invasive, effective, and do not have adverse side effects. 

  1. Naturopathy eliminates the need to take medicines and cuts down medical expenses drastically

  2. It saves people from adverse drug reactions or side effects of medicines.

  3. In addition to healing diseases, it also improves an individual’s overall health and well-being

  4. It gives you complete control over your health and healing

  5. Solves the problem of healthcare accessibility, as it empowers each person to take care of their own health

How To Implement This?

The need is to educate people about naturopathy, and its methods and provide them with the right means to implement this powerful method of healing.

We are witnessing a tipping point in healthcare approaches worldwide - where the focus is more on prevention, and immunity. Naturopathy is the key to both. 

Naturopathy can save millions in healthcare costs and help the over-burden healthcare system of India. It can be an immense support to the government’s dream of universal health coverage. 

More and more people are adopting natural living methods - a basic requirement of naturopathy. Natural health care is making its comeback very strongly and the world is awakening to its potential. 

With over 125,000 subscribers, Wellcure has changed thousands of lives by helping them heal naturally. But, we have just scratched the surface, and there’s a long way ahead in helping people adopt natural healing methods and educating them about naturopathy. 

“Health is simple. Your body has self-healing powers. We help you facilitate this natural process. Our health programs have helped reverse and cure many lifestyle disorders, such as diabetes, blood pressure. arthritis, auto-immune disorders, obesity & IBS”. Several medical doctors regularly do our programs and are integrating natural healing into their treatment methods, deriving excellent healing outcomes. ~ Sumeet Kapur, Founder & CEO, Wellcure

Let’s celebrate this naturopathy day by choosing to live disease-free and medicine-free lives naturally.

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