Here's What You Need To Know About Mental Health & Counseling
Nov 28, 2024

The adjective - Mental - comes from the word, mind. Hence this term denotes the 'health of the mind'. Mind comprises thoughts and emotions that manifest in external behavior. Hence, in order to understand mental health we need to examine the quality of one’s Thoughts - how rational are they, how much are they reality-based and how functional are they. And Emotions - are they appropriate to the situation, in type and intensity? And Behavior - is it functional and non-disruptive?
Mental Health is often neglected due to the lack of basic education about it, the misinformation that’s often propagated in its name, and the stigma around it. People often judge someone who wants to see a psychologist/psychiatrist or is undergoing therapy. This makes people shy away from admitting their difficulties and the need for help, out of embarrassment. No one questions that if we can consult a doctor for ailments of the body, then why can’t one seek help for the ailments of the mind? Even a machine undergoes wear and tear and needs a mechanic from time to time. How can we sustain our mental wear and tear seeking no help whatsoever?
What Is Needed?
More awareness campaigns and incentives from health insurance companies for mental health.
Government and Corporates should be aware of and acknowledge the economic cost of neglecting mental health. Lack of mental wellness leads to disruptive work relationships, frequent absenteeism, and lower productivity.
How Do You Know That You Need Help?
Each of us experiences a variety of emotions on a daily basis, has all kinds of thoughts - negative, positive, irrational, and irritability in our behavior. However, You need help if you are:
Pervasively negative in your thinking and attitudes
If you are sad and angry most of the time
Your relationships are suffering
Your productivity has reduced drastically
Whom Should You Approach?
Depending on the severity of your symptoms and the length of time for which they remain, you can approach a Counselling Psychologist or Psychiatrist.
Psychologist Or Psychiatrist: Counseling and psychotherapy are talking-based solutions that require no medication. They are highly effective but people underestimate the influence and success of these. Some are happy to medicate and run to psychiatrists, others wonder if they are just talking to the professional what are they paying for? They expect some fancy treatments and magic.
If you need short-term help to deal with certain issues in your personal life a counselor would be more appropriate. If you have long-standing psychological issues you can seek help from a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. If you are unable to function on a day-to-day basis then you need to see a psychiatrist who will, after proper diagnosis, prescribe medications to rectify the chemical imbalances in your brain.
One must schedule 1-2 sessions a week and be prepared for a 5-10 sessions commitment. Also, remember that it’s a joint effort to experience complete mental well. The onus for your wellness lies on you and not on your therapist. You must show trust, commitment and take full responsibility to get well.
About Author: Rajni Agarwal is a Psychotherapist & Mental Health Consultant. She has 20+ years of counseling experience with kids and adults. She practices non-directive, person-centered, psychoanalytic, holistic therapy.
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