Healing from high blood sugar with holistic changes
Nov 25, 2024
When Sujata Misran experienced symptoms of thirst, fatigue and sweating she was shocked to find out that she had very high levels of blood sugar. Since she had seen her husband heal from psoriasis using naturopathy, she too decided to follow suit and heal herself without medication. In a short period of time following naturopathic principles, she experienced the healing powers of nature to rid herself from diabetes. Read her story here.
Sujata Misran
48 years, Homemaker
The beginning of my health journey
I was a person who was not leading a very healthy lifestyle. Though a pure vegetarian I was fond of eating junk and deep-fried foods.
In September 2018, I started feeling like something was not right with my body. I experienced extreme thirst, sweating and tiredness and hazy vision. In the morning, my tongue used to stick in my mouth, and I had a tough time with it.
When I shared this with my sister, who is already a diabetic, she asked me to get sugar tests done. Whether it was my ignorance or my fear of actually being a diabetic, I didn’t go to the doctor. When it didn’t get better, my husband persuaded me and finally I got myself tested.
The diagnosis
The test results didn’t just shock me, but lab technicians as well. In the fasting test, my sugar was 303. Soon, they asked me to get my PP Test done, which was 489. My doctor was surprised that with such high levels I was not experiencing any serious symptoms. But it was clear; I had high blood sugar. The doctor gave me some tablets, but I didn’t want to go the allopathic way. I was concerned about their side effects, and also the fact that my sister was not healing from diabetes with all her medicines led me to the thinking to give other alternatives a try.
A few years back, my husband was diagnosed with psoriasis and had experienced total healing by following naturopathy under the guidance of naturopath Dr. Salila Tiwari. Since then, he had become an ardent follower of this lifestyle.
My path to recovery
I quickly decided to consult Dr. Salila, and we went to her clinic later that day. She made a treatment chart for a month. My treatment included drinking fenugreek seeds water, amla water, green juice in the morning, a lot of fruits, salads and vegetable juices/soup during lunch and dinner. Cleansing treatments like Jalneti, Telneti, Kunjal and Enema were also advised.
My diet had some deductions as well; I was asked to stop the consumption of
For the lack of a better word, I don’t want to “sugar-coat” it, as initially, I had a tough time with no salt and tea. We Indians are a big fan of tea and cutting it down completely was difficult for me. As a result, I faced headaches. But, if you have the conviction in your mind, then you can do anything, irrespective of how difficult it gets. Eventually, within a few days, it became easier, and it became a way of life. I was already used to making salads and juices for my husband, who was following a naturopathic lifestyle, so making these recipes and also improvising them was not a big hurdle.
There was no turning back.
One of the most crucial part of treating yourself is to keep up the active lifestyle. She asked me to do specific yoga asanas like Kapalabathi and Ujjayi Pranayama. I walked one hour daily, which also included exposure to warm sun rays.
Even before the completion of the first week, my symptoms were significantly decreased. All the thirst, sweating, tiredness were bygones. I was able to breathe well for the first time in years. I felt so light, and this was the feeling I wanted to hold on to.
After 15 days, I did the sugar tests. The result of the fasting test showed decrease of fasting sugar levels from 303 to 99, and the PP results decreased from 489 to 125. One would say that I felt shocked, but it was precisely the opposite. I was happy and satisfied because I believed in the power of my body. In a month, my vision which had earlier been hazy due to high sugar levels became normal, borderline BP reversed, and all my joints aches which used to appear now and then reduced too.
In hindsight
It’s been over a year now, and I monitor my blood sugar regularly and it has remained normal. Dr. Salila slowly increased my diet and I consume some amount of cooked food also now. I still follow the lifestyle in order to avoid falling in the trap of diseases again. My focus is to eat clean and control my portion size. I continue doing everything she has asked me to do and I feel so happy that I didn’t start medicines. Dr Salila has been an angel in my life. I am a changed person now. I feel so light and energetic.
I never get tired of telling people how this is the way they can treat their diseases. After watching me recover in front of their eyes, many of my family members treated their illnesses through naturopathy.
Many people tell me that they cannot do what I did, they cannot manage such a drastic diet, but it’s not that difficult. If I can do it, so can anyone else. Our taste buds adapt over time. Anyone can reverse their ailment, but one must have a strong commitment towards health, stronger belief in themselves and excellent guidance.
(About Sujata Misran: Sujata is a homemaker with a penchant for cooking and experimenting with the cuisine. She is a creative chef at her own endeavour www.simplekhana.com. In her free time she loves to enjoy music, reading and spending time outdoors.)
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