Guardians of the human body – Microbiome Part 3
Dec 30, 2024

De-weeding our garden – Live dirty
Obviously, we did something wrong to get to a state of increase in the number of people with diseases today, as seen in Part 2. Once the causes are known and we reverse those conditions, the body heals itself to enable the growth of a good MB (microbiome) diversity. As in most manifestations of dysbiosis, repopulation of healthy bacteria is the key and this improves autoimmune conditions too.
The body can never fight back and attack itself unless the balance is restored. A healthy GUT harbours a healthy MB (microbiome).
- Exposures to natural elements – We live in a germ pool. We inhale them as we breathe and talk. They come in via all the orifices of the body, and yet some people are untouched and some suffer the consequences. It all depends on how strong the body is to fight them off. Babies pretty much put everything in their mouth as it is nature’s law to introduce them to all kinds of pathogens.
- Are we handwash maniacs?
- Do you avoid pets and think they are dirty?
- Are you one of those parents’ who disinfect everything that the baby might put into its mouth?
- Are we constantly visiting the doctors to look for suppressions to each elimination from the body and not allow the body to naturally develop antibodies?
- Are we worried about the feet getting dirty when we walk on grass?
- Are we worried about playing in the mud? Are we worried about boiling water, drinking only super filtered water?
- Are we obsessed about super-washing the raw foods we consume?
If the answer to these questions is a ‘YES’, we are constantly trying to kill the microbial activity in the body and disrupt the symbiosis, hence revisit these habits.
- Avoid these foods – Foods like gluten, dairy, meat, eggs, refined carbohydrates, processed foods, GMO foods (corn, soy) and artificial sweeteners can affect the bio-diversity as explained in Part 2. Researchers from Finland reported that GI symptoms might persist in people with the celiac disease even after years of following a gluten-free diet because of ongoing abnormalities in their microbiome. So, not only avoiding these foods is also enough repopulating your microbiome is important.
Include whole food plant-based meals that are gluten-free and oil-free with plenty of fruits, vegetables and greens.
- Avoid exposure to cleaning agents and pesticides – Although our MB closely resembles that of our mother, by age 3, the quantity of MB is more or less that of an adult - vulnerable and prone to be impacted by every drug, every chemical that’s exposed on the skin, via the food, chemicals inhaled in the form of harmful gases, aerosol chemicals and water to name a few causes. Studies show that people who live in the city have only 2/3rd of the healthy MB that a person from an Amazon forest untouched by man-made environments can have.
Grow your own or use organic foods when available, make natural cleaning agents like bio enzyme in the comfort of your own homes or invest in herbal cleaning agents, make your own or reduce the number of toxic cosmetics and toiletries. We cannot avoid air and water pollutants, but we can definitely reduce the usage of agents that’s under our control.
- Choose plants that have dirt on it – Like any animal in nature, the MB loves natural fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, herbs, nuts and seeds. Choose local, seasonal and organic foods that have ‘Elevated biotics’ or germs that are found on top of fresh plants. The shorter the farm to plate distance, the better for the body to consume the good dirt on the plants. A quick rinse will not wash off such germs because they face severe weather conditions when the plants grow.
A healthy, high-quality raw diet determines the bio-diversity of the GUT garden. Choose to consume an oil-free and gluten-free whole food plant-based diet with unpolished grains, beans & lentils.
- Exercise – A British study in 2014 concluded that the Rugby players who ate healthily, had a higher species diversity than a healthy eating adult who was leading a sedentary lifestyle. The authors concluded that “exercise seems to be another important factor in the relationship between the microbiota, host immunity and host metabolism, with diet playing an important role.”
Exercise keeps the products of digestion; lymphatic system moving and can help prevent bacterial overgrowth.
- Prepare the terrain for the future generation – Couples today should pay attention to their lifestyles before they think of conceiving a baby. This will help reduce weak genes, avoid passing bad bacteria and toxins to the baby. This is a promising way of looking at diseases because although we don’t have control over what microbes we inherit, we definitely can change our microbial family.
“Happy, healthy parents make happy, healthy babies” – Dr Miriam Stoppard.
- Change of taste – People who have trouble adjusting to a healthy whole-food plant-based diet with high raw foods eventually will love having them as the bad bacteria are eliminated making room for the good ones as explained in part 1 on the topic of ‘Cravings’.
The healthy growth of the MB helps people transition to a healthy lifestyle too.
Our body’s ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted us to believe. Most of the diseases today are lifestyle induced. The power to change the garden with weeds to a garden of wonderland is in our hands. Choose how you live your life today!
(About myself: Formerly I was with the IT industry for 2 decades and also have my venture on healthy vegan baking. I have suffered life-threatening allergies and survived twice. I learnt to heal naturally and applied the same on both my kids aged 13 &10. We as a family, live a healthy, disease-free lifestyle. Based on my experience and what I have gained from reading, I help others in reversing their ailments naturally and holistically.)
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