FOOD and VITALITY - the vital understanding
Dec 31, 2024

Recently, I came across this advertisement!
It says “We make a dead person, alive”!
I shall not even waste time ridiculing this advertisement.
I shall come straight to the point of the foundation!
What is the foundation of this thought process of claiming to make a dead person, alive?
The seed is the misconceptions about the VITALITY!
Unless we understand the aspect of vitality well, we would suffer from a lot of superstitions related to our health and happiness altogether.
Wherever we see a life, we experience the existence of VITALITY. Seeing the life around us might trigger the assumptions of vitality-enhancement as - lives usually look similar. But technically, the vitality cannot be interchangeable due to the non-compatible uniqueness. The vitality of the individual is unique to that individual only.
If the vitality would have been increased through external enhancements, mankind would have averted death by now! Averting death is detrimental for the universe which will never be allowed by Nature.
Image credit: silviarita via Pixabay
Nature Cure does promote raw food consumption. The raw food contains vitality which makes the substance useful for us, not the vitality.
The vitality of the raw food makes the substance, perishable faster.
This factor coincides with the voice of the organism, in terms of the acceptability and unacceptability of the food with respect to the tastes of the food.
The taste perishes as the food perishes.
Perishability is a needed characteristic of the food as far as the quality of the food is concerned.
If the food is not perishable, it is not good for us.
Hence vitality in the food is a need to ensure the quality of the food.
But that does not contribute to the increment of our vitality.
The lack of energy that we feel in the state famishment or hunger is the substantial need. The metabolic process always seeks for substance-supply in its anabolic execution, in a healthy state of the body.
The need for the substance is satiated with the food supply and then we feel contented. - This change in the sense is coupled with the influence of the false-claims of vitality enhancement, plays a role in this formation of superstition in our mind related to ‘food giving us VITALITY’.
It is the time to grow our intellects and ‘call a spade, a spade’!
Food is just the substance of our bodybuilding process.
The quality of the food ensures the healthy body formation.
The quality of the food ensures the ‘conservation of the vitality’ but NOT ‘the enhancement of vitality’ in any way.
We often hear in corporate language, ‘a penny saved is a penny earned’; but that has a profit-oriented penny enhancement stake at the core.
In vitality management, no enhancement of the vitality is possible, hence let’s call the saving as conservation only not an enhancement, for better our understandings.
This would make us free from a lot of superstitions.
Thank you…
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The opinions expressed in this material are based on pure Nature Cure science of health and do not coincide with medicinal theories. PSYsolution does not claim that any advice given, represents a "cure" for diseases. If anyone has doubts regarding his or her health, it is the responsibility of the individual to consult a competent health practitioner. These materials are not aimed at hurting anybody’s belief or philosophy. PSYsolution believes that the true health does not need treatment, it needs education. It is an endeavour to educate that “The cure is from within”!
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