Economics of a Natural Life
Dec 30, 2024

"Health that precious heritage of priests and laymen, fool and sage. It's worth a hundred times its cost. But no one learns that, till it’s lost”
At the outset, this is the only science whose foremost principle is to make everyone his & his family’s own doctor, to make everyone independent of so-called experts.
Secondly, it does not employ medicines of any sort.
Thirdly, it does not need any diagnostic paraphernalia i.e. no need to undergo hazardous diagnostic tests. Only the physical discomfort is a sufficient tool to alleviate the suffering as the body is always communicating with us.
It explains the laws of life, the reasons for us becoming ill and the basic causes of illness in a manner that can be easily understood by everyone.
It is based on the solid fact that the healing power within us helps in restoring health, provided the person starts eating food sensibly & corrects his other un-hygienic habits (like drinking tea/coffee, tobacco, alcohol, fried food, refined flour, etc) of living.
It is probably the only science that establishes faith in the old dictum of Hippocrates, the Father of Modern Medicine who said ''Let thy food be your medicine & let thy medicine be thy food''.
This science shows how, by switching over to these Laws Of Life, health can be restored even by people stricken with diseases pronounced as ''incurable''. In fact, many of such incurable diseases have been cured, making patients healthier than they were before adopting this system. [I, myself am a living testimony of this great science]
The beauty of this system is that it does not involve huge amounts of money for the restoration of health. If one learns this science by devoting a few months in studying books on the subject, written by the masters [ Acharya K.L. Sarma, being tallest of them all], he can be his own doctor & an asset to the family in particular & society in general. One can also take this up as a social cause.
The theory & science of NATURE-CURE is almost at a tangent, so to speak, with the allopathic school of thought & practice. Hence, the common man, placed as he is in this modern civilization, accustomed to the popular ideas & opinions of allopathic theories & practices, finds it difficult to grasp, understand and follow this science.
One more reason for it being less popular is that Nature Cure involves a control on palate and taste, which means following a fair amount of discipline.
The common man is often baffled by questions such as -
''Is the 90% population living under the influence of modern medicine wrong?
''If it is so, then why do so many people follow it? ''
“Do scientific advances have any use or purpose at all''?
There is certainly a satisfying answer to the questions above, which the reader will acquire as he/ she studies NATURE-CURE in some depth, I shall try to summarise the answer as “Simply because a vast majority of the population is following a certain path, that does not make the path right.”
The symptomatic remedies prescribed in modern medicines do not help in alleviating the level of health. There is no cure for minor troubles like the common cold, constipation, or for major chronic ones like diabetes, asthma, blood pressure, gout, etc. Even the etiology[cause] of these diseases is not known. However, tens of thousands of patients in the world who have taken to nature cure have been radically cured. Shouldn’t we say that the therapy which cures radically is scientific, not the one which cannot cure any condition?
There cannot be a scale to measure the feeling of eternal bliss, the state of 'Anandam Sukham' - the everlasting lightness, the spring in the gait, and the confidence that no epidemic, pandemic, bacteria, microbes, virus or any other form of disease can ever besiege the follower. This state of health and wellness can neither be measured nor is it comparable by any stretch of the imagination, with all the riches of the world.
- It is free of cost insurance from any disease, for a lifetime. The follower leads a disease-free life, full of energy and vigor. He is bestowed with the power of accomplishing any physical or mental task with great ease. In fact, he makes all physical and mental work a pleasurable experience.
At the young age of 23yrs, I was a chronic patient of stomach ailments, suffered losses in terms of money, man-hours of unpaid job, and got bedridden. Now I am 72 and a pinnacle of health - full of life, vigor, verve, energy, lightness, and disease-free. I don’t worry about any ailments as long as I follow the eternal laws of nature which govern our organism. This cannot be compared in terms of money.
The intake of the follower is a pittance, eating small portions of vegetables (raw and cooked) conservatively, without oil, spices and condiments, and some carbohydrates in the form of rice, wheat, millet, ragi, etc.
The consumption is only of vegetables and fruits which are locally available, seasonal, and inexpensive. That way, he economizes on expenses.
Fruit juices, if consumed, are also from melons, cucumbers, green leafy vegetables, carrots, sugarcane, etc., which are not at all expensive.
Contrast this with the popular system of eating, which stretches the budgets of many families. Alas, if only people could be made to come to the fold of the soothing lap of mother Nature.
The angel of death does not fix the exact date of our death, he just determines before-hand the total quantity of the different foods we are destined to consume while we are here. It is left to us to consume it all in a few decades or to take nearly a century in consuming it all. The angel has adequate means of calculating, at any moment, how much of the allotted food remains to be consumed by us. We may suppose that some of his subordinates are informing him just when the allotment is finished and when that happens, DEATH comes.
So within limits, we have it in our powers to lengthen or shorten our lives as per our own wisdom or folly, as said the father of Nature cure in India - ACHARYA SARMA.
In light of the facts listed above, it is ridiculous to compare the Economy of living a Natural Life to that of an Unhygienic Lifestyle.
One can very well choose his path after pondering over this write-up. A RETURN to nature and reason is long past due.
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