Eating raw in the winter giving you the chills?
Dec 31, 2024

So you spent the summer eating a high raw diet and feel pretty good – Light in body & spirit, lost weight, your skin glows and you sleep like a baby. You are convinced about the benefits of eating a high raw diet but with the days getting shorter and the temperatures dipping, eating cold salads and fruits don’t seem appealing anymore. Here are some tips for you based on my experience of sticking to a high raw diet in the colder months.
With winter comes so many tasty fruits and vegetables – grapes, oranges, strawberries, sapotas, spinach, methi, beets, carrots, amla etc. Wouldn’t you want to enjoy their goodness in raw form? Eat as it is, juiced, in salads or as smoothies – so many combos to try out!
In nature, all animals eat their species-specific food in their natural form without cooking whatever be the season. They eat what is available seasonally. So, here is our cue. Let’s see how we can do the same.
1. Tune into your reason why you went raw -The reasons don’t change because seasons change. You decided to follow a high raw diet because it makes you feel more energetic, light, positive and helped you heal. Surely, you don’t want to go on the back foot now by adding a whole lot of cooked food back in our diet. Remember how heavy cooked meals make you feel?
2. Plan ahead on what you will eat throughout the day -Keep your home stocked with fruits and vegetables for your smoothies, juices, salads etc. If your supply is low, you are probably unlikely to step out in the cold to go shopping for produce.
3. Have a warm salad- Add a few lightly steamed veggies like beans, pumpkin, carrots etc to warm up your salad and add more body to it.
4. Dry fruits - Dry fruits like dates, raisins etc give a sense of warmth and also help you beat those winter blues. Easy to carry around too.
5. Warm water - Make your fruit purees, dips or smoothies by adding a little warm water.
6. Store at room temp - Since its already cold, it makes sense to store your produce at ambient temperature rather than in the fridge. Saves you on eating your salad ice cold. If you have planned out your meals in advance, remember to take the needed fruits and veggies out of cold storage in advance.
7. Nut drinks - Have some warm spiced nut drinks once in a while - Almond milk or coconut milk warmed gently with a dash of cinnamon or clove powder not only tastes good but spreads warmth in your body.
8. Infusion teas - Simple infusion teas with ginger, lemongrass, mint etc not only keep those false hunger pangs at bay but also beat the cooked food cravings.
9. Warm cutlery - Warm up your salad bowl or plate in some warm water so that it does not feel like you are eating something frigid.
10. Take advantage of the warm, gentle sunlight – Bundle up and enjoy your delicious raw meal in your balcony or backyard.
11. Movement is life - Instead of relying on food to keep you warm, let any form of exercise like dancing, a brisk walk, yoga, running errands or just jumping jacks help you get warm.
12. Multi-layered clothing- It helps you retain heat and keeps you away from getting the chills.
13. Be part of a raw virtual community or get a health buddy with similar goals – Makes the effort fun and sustainable and you get motivated during those long, dreary winter months.
In spite of your best efforts, if you do crave for some warm soup or broth, go ahead. Homemade is always better than a pre-made or store-bought. Nature has provided us with a lot of winter veggies like pumpkin, cauliflower, peas etc which can be used to make tasty soups.
Positive actions add up
As you keep up with these actions over the months and as the quality of your blood and circulation improve, you will no longer feel so cold. Blood begins to flow more evenly and you feel more energetic and full of vitality. Children generally have a cleaner body, better circulation and keep moving. This is the reason why children never seem to feel the cold though adults want to bundle them up with multiple layers of clothing, socks, mufflers, caps and whatnot.
Remember that a lot of this is just a mind game. When you get home from work all cold and frosty in the evening, instead of a quick fix cooked dinner, derive your warmth from warm lighting, a cosy blanket, warm company, good books and lots of laughter. Winter has its own charm and before you know it, spring is almost there and you will be glad that you pulled through those cold days feeling like a champion.
What has worked for you? What are your tips to eat a high raw diet in winter? Please share in the comments.
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