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COVID-19 Pandemic - Making The Best Of The Worst Of Times

health blog health blog covid Nov 28, 2024
COVID-19 Pandemic - Making The Best Of The Worst Of Times

The global health crisis brought on to us by the COVID-19 virus has many perspectives. If you did not use extended lockdowns to introspect, analyze your life and the world around you, you are “Vimoodha” - not just a fool, but a colossal one.

I call it a colossal compassion crisis. 

Because we, humans have endlessly and ruthlessly exploited natural environmental resources, animals, and each other to the point where our actions have boomeranged on us. It is also the law of nature or call it Karma - as you sow so shall you reap.

We have brought upon ourselves our own misfortunes. Now Nature has pushed us back from all spheres of life - work, entertainment, education, and others. So that Nature and animals can get a breather and reclaim their lost, encroached upon spaces. Many people are still in bewilderment at why the pandemic? Please see how the collective actions of the masses have brought forth this crisis and examine your actions, choices - how good or bad they are for you and the world at large.

I also feel that the Pandemic has brought upon The Bliss of Solitude.

This is a global holiday when the planet is healing and so are we. All our usual avenues of distraction are shut - movie halls, coffee shops, restaurants, etc so we may focus on the things that are truly “essential”. 

Social distancing enabled us to be and go deeper in our own mind space. This is the time we have realized the importance of household chores and domestic help, family time, cooking, eating together, and playing board games. Also revisiting the great epic serials like Mahabharat. In this undistracted time, we can grow and develop many aspects of our lives that earlier we felt we couldn't, due to lack of time.

Purer Air & Water

Another great boon of the pandemic is that water and air quality have improved tremendously.  It's a great time to start running, cycling, and watching birds. I have spotted peacocks, snakes, mongooses, owls, and snails on my solitary walks. 

The pandemic has literally brought the world services to your home, and most of them for free.

I have enjoyed watching live and recorded wildlife safaris of Kruger National Park, South Africa -  available on Youtube as ‘Wild Earth’.

I have seen some amazing Shakespeare plays like Hamlet, of the prestigious Globe Theatre, London. National Theatre, DC showed classics like Jane Eyre and more. Cirque de Solie, best of world performances. The Metropolitan Opera,  New York is such a majestic place and I have seen many Italian Operas with subtitles. It has been a treat to see all these grand shows and performances which would have otherwise cost me a bomb. Many of the world’s museums and art galleries were open to free virtual tours. Did you enjoy these gifts of the pandemic & indulged in such once-in-a-lifetime experiences? 

I have expanded my skills & knowledge

There are plenty of learning webinars available on various online platforms - zoom, Instagram, etc. You can learn a new thing or sharpen your skills in cooking, baking, painting, gardening, nature, health, nutrition, and others. This is the time to experiment with life and your ideas. Many new ventures and adventures await those who are interested to learn. 

  • I have started to do pranayam, which I always wanted to. It is a great practice that I look forward to each morning with some classical ragas or Buddhist chants playing in the background.

  • I have become regular with my walks. 

  • I have learned and practiced chakra balancing which is an alternate form of therapy.

  • I enjoy watching youtube channels of vegan foods 

  • I have also enjoyed experimenting with many new food items like Tepache and baos in the kitchen.

  • I have also started my own small food enterprise,  I make vegan food and it's available to pre-order.

Some of my friends' children have also started baking and selling cupcakes. Donate the money that you earn from these to social causes you are passionate about. Peepal Farm by Robin Singh is doing great work for animal welfare in Himachal. 

What You Can Do?

We have formed such addictive habits of eating for pleasure, television, and social media that we always feel that others have glamorous and interesting lives. We don't focus on our own needs and lives. There is a whole world of wonderful things waiting to be learned and discovered. 

The best way to feel joyful and motivated is to follow a routine. Early to bed and to rise does make one healthy, wealthy and wise. Exercise, eat well, and learn new things. Make yourself useful at home and in society. You will soon be counting your blessings. If you can get involved in sharpening your skills, learning new things, helping out at home and in social projects you will feel useful, joyful, energized, and high in self-esteem. There will be no time left to despair, gossip, feel low or bored. 

For me, life has pressed a refresh button and the pandemic is a lesson to slow down, restart, reflect, and mostly a lesson in kindness. Our selfish, egoistic mode of functioning will bring our doom, this is a warning bell from nature. Unless we cooperate and coexist with empathy, gratitude, and work in a spirit of service, we shall not be redeemed. Our life is a great opportunity to showcase our talents and offer them to society. 

Let us wake up with this clarion call of the pandemic and make our lives worthy.

About Author: Rajni Agarwal is a Psychotherapist & Mental Health Consultant. She has 20+ years of counseling experience with kids and adults. She practices non-directive, person-centered, psychoanalytic, holistic therapy.

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Further Read: 10 Powerful Ways To Relieve Anxiety: My Learnings During COVID Times

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