Can Your Feelings About Sex & Sexuality Impact Your Psychology?
Nov 28, 2024

Sex is the very act that created us. Something that creates life is definitely a big deal! After all, in the world, all actions spring from the basic sexual act. Paulo Coelho captures it beautifully in his novel Eleven Minutes, which, for those who haven't read the book, is the time for the average sexual act.
Yes, the act and source of life has been reduced to an industry in today's world. What is worse is that our society has created taboos, dogmas, superstitions, and overall confusion around it.
Psychology embraces sex as a life instinct - the Eros. This instinct starts functioning in childhood as a natural curiosity about one’s body and environment, repression of which could pose serious problems to the individual’s psyche.
Spirituality talks about celibacy/ brahmacharya or even propagates monogamy through Grihasthashram-life of a householder.
Let us examine our natural feelings about sex and sexuality at an individual level, keeping the societal conditioning on hold.
What do we think and feel about celibacy, dating, nudity, marriage, premarital and extramarital sex, contraception, masturbation, monogamy vs polygamy, sex industry, same-sex relations, and sexual abuse?
I think each of us would have different answers and views, which would speak of our individual personalities and preferences, but who and what is right or wrong?
Maybe a simple rule of the book could be - An act that is good for all parties concerned , neither hurts nor exploits all, is not harmful, illegal is right.
I think, besides this simplistic view we don’t have the jurisdiction to dictate or govern the sex and sexuality of others.
The act of sex is beautiful as it is the only experience which engages all of our five sense organs, making its impact complete and powerful. The onus lies on us to help integrate sex into our daily and public lives as it is innate, natural, and not something to be avoided, or brushed under the carpet.
Your thoughts, feelings, and opinions about sex have an impact on your psychology and mental health. If you are looking for an outlet to share or resolve any mental, psychological or behavioral problem, We're here to help. Talk to the best psychologists at Wellcure's Mental Health Counseling.
About Author: Rajni Agarwal is a Psychotherapist & Mental Health Consultant. She has 20+ years of counseling experience with kids and adults. She practices non-directive, person-centered, psychoanalytic, holistic therapy.
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