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Beetroot Carrot & Radish Juice - A Glass of Natural Health Supplements

beetroot and radish juice beetroot carrot & radish juice recipe beetroot carrot juice healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes vegetable juice recipes Oct 29, 2019
Beetroot Carrot & Radish Juice - A Glass of Natural Health Supplements
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involve
Servings: 2 Servings

Juicing vegetables is one of the most effective ways of letting your body absorb the nutrition offered by raw vegetables. You could choose to juice assorted vegetables in different combos, each yielding a different colour, flavour and texture. One such combination that works well is that of carrot, beetroot and radish juice along with a little bit of potato and celery. Have it regularly to reap the various health benefits!


  • Beetroot : 1 (medium-sized)
  • Carrot: 1 ( medium sized)
  • Celery Stalk: 1
  • Potato: ½
  • Radish: 1 (medium Sized)
  • Water: as needed
  • Roasted Cumin Powder: as per taste
  • Lemon juice: as per taste



  • Wash well, peel and chop all the veggies.
  • Put the chopped vegetables into a blender.
  • Blend them well. Add some water to get the consistency of a juice.
  • Use a strainer and filter the juice to remove any bumps.
  • Add roasted cumin powder and lemon juice.
  • Relish your juice!


Eating Guide:

  • Food group: Vegetables
  • Best time to eat: Beetroot carrot juice can be had in the morning or evenings too. While vegetables can be mixed with most food groups (except fruits), usually juices are best consumed mid-morning or in evening
  • Great way to up vegetables for kids too
  • Remember NOT to add salt to your veg juice. It will ferment it in the tummy!

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