Avocado Mash For Dry Skin
Dec 31, 2024

Dry skin is a common complaint. While hydration from within by eating more fruits and vegetables is the key, some natural remedies can be undertaken as a quick fix for the glow. Avocados are packed with essential nutrients,have a creamy texture due to high natural fat which can work wonders when applied on the skin.
Dry skin is a very common skin condition characterized by a lack of the appropriate amount of water in the most superficial layer of the skin, the epidermis. The most effective way to deal with dry skin is to hydrate the body from within. Healthy hydration is not about guzzling many glasses & litres of water in a day. It’s about incorporating water-rich fruits & vegetables into your daily food routine. Read our blog “Are you eating water or drinking it?” to know more.
We should view skin care products as an external help to our beauty, only in addition to internal hydration.
Let us look at an easy way to address the condition of dry skin at home, with avocados. This is a very natural way to nurture your skin. You can apply avocados to your skin for a glow. Creamy in texture, theyare packed with essential nutrients that soothe and moisturize parchedskin. They are rich in minerals and antioxidants, vitamins E and A.
You will need:
- Ripe avocado mashed until smooth and creamy - How to pick a ripe Avocado? Hold it and squeeze gently. Aripe avocadoshould yield to firm, gentle pressure, but shouldn't feel overly soft or mushy.
- 1 tsp almond oil.
- Combine the ingredients in a bowl
- Mix it well
- Apply mixture evenly over your face
You can keep it for as long as you want.
Worried about applying food to your face? Don't be. In fact that should be your benchmark to choose natural skin care products, they should be made from edible stuff. Also, the great thing about avocados is that they're safe for all skin types—they won't irritate dry skin or aggravate a sensitive complexion. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get glowing!
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