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Yellow Pumpkin Peel Chutney

chutney recipes dairy-free recipes dips recipes healing recipes healthy recipes oil-free recipes pickles & chutneys recipes plant-based vegan recipes Sep 18, 2020
Yellow Pumpkin Peel Chutney
Prep Time: 05 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings

Yellow pumpkin skin is loaded with lots of antioxidant and fibre. Make into a pacchadi (chutney) and have along with unpolished rice for better taste.



For Chutney

  • Yellow pumpkin outer skin: 150 grams
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Green chilly - 4 
  • Peanut roasted - 3 tbsp 
  • Roasted gram - 1 tbsp 
  • Tamarind pulp - as per taste 
  • Coconut (fresh, grated)- 5 to 6 tbsp 
  • Salt - to taste
  • Jaggery (optional) - as per taste 

For tadka: 

  • Cold-pressed Oil - 1 tsp 
  • Jeera - 1/2 tsp
  • Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp


  • Chop the peel of yellow pumpkin into small pieces, steam for 10 min and keep it separately. 
  • In a mixie, blend all the ingredients mentioned under 'For Chutney' (except pumpkin peels) to get a coarse paste. 
  • Then add the steamed pumpkin and blend again to make a chutney consistency paste.
  • Prepare the tadka by adding jeera & mustard seeds to hot oil. Pour the tadka over the chutney.
  • Enjoy along with rice!

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