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Whole Wheat Chocolate Cake

cakes & bakes dairy-free recipes dessert recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined sugar-free Feb 05, 2021
Whole Wheat Chocolate Cake
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Servings: 5-6 Servings

Maida, sugar, milk are some of the common ingredients bakers use to prepare cakes. But then what to do when we want to avoid these harmful ingredients. Well! Bake a cake yourself! Here’s a cake recipe without any refined food flour, dairy or sugar! Do try!


  • Plant milk like almond milkor coconut milk:1 cup
  • Whole wheat flour:1 cup
  • Cold-pressed coconut oil:1/3 cup
  • Lemon juice:1 tbsp
  • Coconut sugar powdered (jaggery powder can also be used in the same proportion):1 cup
  • Baking soda:1 tsp
  • Baking powder:1 tsp
  • Cacao powder:2-3 tbsp
  • Vanilla extract:1 tsp
  • Powdered rock salt:1/4 tsp


  • Sift the dry ingredients.
  • Mix milk with lemon juice and keep aside.
  • Mix the other wet ingredients to the milk mixture.
  • Mix the wet and dry gently without any lumps.
  • Pour into a 6 inch pan lined with parchment paper and bake at 180 C for 30 mins or until the toothpick test comes clean.

Wellcure Tips:

  • Instead of making one large cake, you can make cupcakes. Fill in cupcake moulds to make cupcakes. This may take a little less time than the whole cake so keep a watch on the baking.
  • If you need frosting on top, you can make a paste of cashew nuts, dates, cacao powder and vanilla and spread on top.

Eating Guide:

  • Great replacement for the commercially available cakes that are loaded with sugar, artificial colours etc.
  • Try adding to your healthy menu when hosting a kid’s birthday party.

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