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Watermelon Rind Juice - Keep yourself Naturally Hydrated

desserts recipes fruit juices & smoothies healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes plant-based vegan recipes May 13, 2020
Watermelon Rind Juice - Keep yourself Naturally Hydrated
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 1 Serving

Most people do know about the refreshing watermelon juice. It certainly is a perfect summer cooler. But did you know that just as the red flesh of watermelon can be juiced, you could juice the thin white layer (rind) as well? And it is rich in water as well as nutrients. It also makes up for a highly alkaline drink!


  • Watermelon Rind (the white layer in between the red flesh and green peel): 1.5 cups (cut small)
  • Water: for diluting
  • Mint leaves: 3-4 (optional)


  • Blitz the watermelon rind nicely. Add the mint leaves and give it another quick blend.
  • Add water to dilute the juice.
  • Serve and enjoy.

Wellcure Tip: As per Dr. Arun Sharma's School of Natural Hygiene, the watermelon rind juice must be diluted in order to get the best benefit. Broadly, juice and water should be mixed in the ratio 30:150 (ml)

Eating Guide:

  • Food Group: Fruit (Juice)
  • Fruits (in any form) are best had first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach.
  • Remember to eat alone and not mixed with meals

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