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Toasted Aubergine Salad with Mushroom Parsley Cashew Sauce

dairy-free recipes desserts recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes salads recipes Apr 28, 2021
Toasted Aubergine Salad with Mushroom Parsley Cashew Sauce
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 2 Servings

# Vegan creamy Mushroom sauce which is tastes as same as dairy cream sauces

# rich in calcium and anti- oxidant

# you will love to eat salads 


For Mushroom Parsley Cashew Sauce 

  • Mushroom- 6 pieces (big)
  • Soaked cashew - 8 full ( soaked for 2 hours ) 
  • Parsley- 2 tbsp chopped 
  • Onion chopped- 1/2 ( if big) 
  • Garlic - 6 
  • Coconut milk - 150 ml
  • Salt 

For for Salad 

  • Boiled corn - 100 grams 
  • Boiled broccoli- 200 grams 
  • Aubergine- 1 full ( medium size)
  • Lettuce or icebergs- 100 grams chopped 


  • In a pot ( kadai) add onion, mushroom, chopped garlic and cashew. Saute it for 10 min in Sim flame till water evaporates.
  • Switch off the flame. And then add half tsp of parsley (not full, rest will be used while heating the sauce) and stir .
  • Once it cools puree it along with coconut milk .
  • Then in a kadai add the puree (if it's too thick add water50ml) and then add remaining parsley and give a boil and add salt. Switch off the flame . 
  • Sauce is ready .

To make the Salad:

  • Slice the aubergine thin (1mm to 2 mm) and toast in Sim flame until its toasted or cooked (if u want spread some oil and toast both the side. For oil free version ,toast as such with out oil) 
  • Alternatively, you can also bake aubergine  at 180* for 15 to 20 min till its golden brown or cooked) 


  • In a salad bowl put boiled corn , broccoli,  lettuce, toasted aubergine
  • Top the veggies with the Mushroom parsley sauce.
  • Mix and enjoy the guilt free salad 

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