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Sweet and Sour Mango Sorbet - Beat the Heat Naturally!

dairy-free recipes desserts recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes refined-sugar recipes Aug 04, 2020
Sweet and Sour Mango Sorbet - Beat the Heat Naturally
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 2 Servings

Sorbet is a frozen dessert made from sweetened water with flavoring contents. Let’s make use of our raw mangoes and make this delectable frozen delight. Dairy-free, refined sugar- free, kid-friendly way to beat the scorching summer heat.


  • Raw mango: 1 no (peel and cut the mango into cubes)
  • Jaggery powder: ½ cup or more
  • Black salt: ½ tsp
  • Ginger: 1 tsp (grated)
  • Mint leaves: 10 leaves
  • Cumin powder: ¼ tsp (roasted powdered cumin)


  • Blend the mango cubeswith grated ginger and mint leaves to get a fine paste. Add water if needed.
  • Remove any big unblended mango bits.
  • Add jaggery powder and water and stir together until you have a tangy sweet and sour mango panna like drink.
  • Mix cumin powder. Taste and adjust the sweetness and salt to your liking.
  • Freeze in ice cube tray for 6 hours.
  • Blend the frozen mango juice to get crushed ice like consistency looking more like a smooth chutney.
  • Pour back into a container and freeze again.
  • After 4 hours, it’s ready to scoop and serves.
  • Please note that the raw mango I used had a nice yellow colour. The colour of the end product will depend on the colour of the mango used.

Eating guide:

  • Food group: Vegetables (Raw mango, falls in the veggie category. Once ripe they are fruit category)
  • Great refreshing way to stay cool internally in summers.

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