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Sweet Potato Phirni

dairy-free recipes grains-free recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes Apr 09, 2024
Sweet Potato Phirni
Prep Time: 04 Hours
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 2 Servings

Here’s a healthy version of the traditional phirni. Tasty, delicious, flavourful and guilt-free indulgence!

The recipe was shared on social media on a health group. Gratitude to such meaningful and useful shares!


  • Sweet potato: 2 cups (sliced)
  • Coconut milk: ¾ - 1 cup
  • Jaggery powder: ½ cup (or more as per preference)
  • Elaichi powder: ½ tsp
  • Rose water: 1 tsp
  • Saffron: few strands


  • Wash, peel and slice sweet potatoes and steam them until soft.
  • Cool and place in a blender with jaggery and elaichi powder and blend together adding little coconut milk at a time slowly blending it into a thick smooth paste.
  • We don’t want a runny liquid, it has to be a smooth thick paste.
  • Taste for sweetness and add more jaggery powder if you feel the need. Add rose water and stir well.
  • Transfer to individual serving bowls, garnish with nut slivers and saffron strands.
  • Chill for 3-4 hours before serving.
  • Best served in clay pots if available.

Wellcure tip

  • It is not going to be white phirni due to the use of jaggery. Coconut sugar is not as brown as jaggery so may be better preferred.
  • You can also blend aromatic rose petals. Not the hybrid variety.

Eating guide:

  • Food groups: tubers and nuts.
  • Great food combination with the right mix of fibre and fats.

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