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Sprouted Chana Chat

healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes snacks recipes Sep 15, 2020
Sprouted Chana Chat
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 3-4 Servings

This salad adds to your diet the goodness of 'live’ foods. The Indian style chatpata salad tickles your buds along with providing you a great source of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. The spices and the tanginess adjusted to individual taste makes it a loved-by all choice!


  • Kala chana (Black chickpeas) - 2 cups, sprouted
  • Onion - 1, finely chopped
  • Tomato - 1 large, finely chopped
  • Potato - 1, boiled and diced
  • Ginger - a small piece, chopped thin vertically
  • Green chilies - 2, finely chopped
  • Chaat masala - ½ tsp
  • Green coriander - ½ cup
  • Black Salt to taste
  • Lemon juice - of 1 lemon
  • Black pepper - ½ tsp


  • Steam the sprouted Kala chana for 12-15 min. Alternatively, you can also pressure cook it for one whistle. It should not be mashed, just little tender. Drain it and keep aside.
  • If you prefer the taste of raw sprouts go ahead and make the chaat as is!
  • Add onion, tomato, potato and green chillies in a large mixing bowl. Top up with the cooked chana. Give it a nice mix.
  • Add the spices and mix thoroughly.
  • Garnish with lemon juice, ginger slices and coriander.


Eating Guide:

  • Sprouts are live foods and are full of nutrition. They are a great source of proteins and fibre.
  • Sprouts are easy to digest and can be had as a full meal as well.
  • Food Group: Legumes (sprouted)

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