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Spinach Rice

curries and meals dairy-free recipes healing recipes healthy recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes Jan 14, 2019
Spinach Rice
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 4-5 Servings

Spinach rice is a quick, one- pot meal ensuring you get your daily dose of veggie in a healthful way. Spinach, the high on nutrition green-leafy vegetable is available in abundance during winters. Cooked with onion and rice along with mild spices makes up for a flavourful meal. Also, this recipe needs no oil!

You surely would want to try this recipe to get your children happily eating palak. Add other steamed veggies of choice if you want.


  • Rice: 1 and ½ cup. Washed and soaked
  • Cumin seeds: 1 tsp
  • Onion: 1 chopped
  • Spinach: 3 cups(washed and chopped)
  • Salt to taste (Sendha namak/Rock salt)
  • Spices: garam masala, coriander powder
  • Cold-pressed oil: 1 tsp (optional)
  • Water: 3 cups
  • Cinnamon sticks: 1-2


  • Dry roast cumin seeds and cinnamon sticks let it turn golden brown
  • Add onion, let it get translucent. You do not need oil (cook on slow flame). Else add a tsp of cold-pressed oil.
  • Add spinach. 
  • Cook for 2 to 3 min
  • Add soaked rice.
  • Add salt, garam masala (home ground) coriander powder
  • Add 3 cups of water, Bring to a boil and then put the gas on sim.
  • Once the water evaporates voila spinach rice ready!

Eating guide

  • Food group: Veggie and grains
  • Can be eaten as one pot meal during lunch or dinner; add some nuts and choice of veggies to complete the nutritional profile
  • Most of daily intake must have a high dose of fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts. Grains are indeed filling but we could always add the other food groups higher in the nourishment ladder in our daily meals

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