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Shepherd’s Pie – No Meat | No Butter | No Cheese

curries and meals dairy-free recipes desserts recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes Oct 28, 2019
Shepherd’s Pie – No Meat | No Butter | No Cheese
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Servings: 2 Servings

Shepherd’s pie is defined by two ingredients, minced meat and mashed potatoes.

I have always wanted to know if there is a way to make this dish without meat. There were many versions to choose from online. In recent times there has been a lot of development in the mock meat category to cater to the growing number of vegans across the world. While researching for better recipes I found mushrooms to be the best alternative. But I couldn’t arrive at a way to get mince meat look alike.

And my foodie niece found an awesome recipe using walnuts and ground mushroom, which my bhabhi vouched for. Voila!

This filling, flavorful, ahimsa recipe will win your hearts for sure.


  • Fresh button Mushrooms: 400 gms
  • Walnuts: 1 cup
  • Onion: ¼ cup(chopped)
  • Garlic: 5 cloves(chopped)
  • Tomato: 1/3 cup(chopped)
  • Carrots: 1/3 cup(finely diced)
  • Cumin powder: ¼ tsp
  • Chilli powder: ½ tsp
  • Oregano: ½ tsp
  • Lime Juice: 1 tbsp
  • Coriander leaves: 1 tbsp
  • Rock Salt: to taste
  • Potato: 3 medium-sized
  • Pepper Powder: ½ tsp


  • Soak walnuts in warm water for about 30 minutes.
  • Peel and cut potatoes into cubes and boil in enough water until soft.
  • Drain and cool.
  • Wash mushrooms, cut them roughly and blitz them in a blender without water. Please take care that it should be coarse and not ground to a smooth paste.
  • Drain soaked walnuts and grind into a coarse and grainy texture.
  • In a pan sauté garlic and onions with some salt and a few teaspoons of water.
  • When onions are cooked add chopped tomatoes and cook until tomatoes are soft.
  • Add ground mushrooms, ground walnuts, cumin, cubed carrots and cook.
  • The mushrooms will leave a lot of water so stir often and cook on high flame to dry the mixture.
  • In the meanwhile, mashthe boiled potatoes absolutely smooth without lumps and add salt and pepper.
  • When the mushroom mix looks dry, add salt, chilli powder, oregano, lime juice and chopped coriander and mix well.
  • Press the walnut mushroom mixture into a baking dish. Leaving half an inch space on top.
  • Spread the mashed potatoes on top of the walnut mushroom mixture.

  • Use a spoon or fork to score the mashed potatoes layer.
  • Bake in a preheated oven at 250º C until the potato layer browns.

  • Serve hot or cold with steamed vegetables.

Wellcure Tip:

  • Ground mushrooms do not look pretty but don’t worry about it too much.
  • Some mushrooms release a lot of moisture just be patient to cook them long enough to dry them out.
  • Try replacing walnuts with soaked pumpkin seeds.

Eating guide:

  • Food Group: Vegetables and nuts
  • Mushrooms add variety to the texture of foods we eat.
  • Great way to up natural oils and fats for kids.

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