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Salsa Sauce - Homemade & Fresh!

chutney recipes dairy-free recipes desserts recipes dips recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes pickles & chutneys recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes Nov 10, 2020
Salsa Sauce - Homemade & Fresh
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 05 minutes
Servings: 3-4 Servings

Delight your kids with this homemade salsa sauce recipe and serve with their favourite snacks. Ditch the store-bought sauce loaded with colours and preservatives.


  • Ripe tomatoes: 8 (medium-sized)
  • Garlic:  4-5 cloves
  • Green chilli: 1
  • Lemon: 1/2 (juiced)
  • Rock salt: a pinch
  • Garlic powder: 1/2 tsp (optional)
  • Coriander leaves: a fistful
  • Onion: 1 
  • Dried red chillis: 1-2


  • Take 4 tomatoes and chop them finely
  • Chop onion, coriander leaves, chilli and garlic
  • Mix them all and add salt and garlic powder.
  • Give them a good mix and keep aside.
  • Now, take the remaining 4 tomatoes and 2 dried red chillis.
  • Dry roast them on a pan or tawa.
  • Remove the chillis when they change color and keep roasting the tomatoes. Turn around to roast well from all sides
  • Once the tomatoes are nicely charred, let them cool
  • Remove the skin of the roasted tomatoes, chop roughly and transfer them into a mixie jar.
  • Add the red chillis and blend.
  • Add this paste to the chopped vegetables
  • Add the juice of lemon to the above mixture
  • Refrigerate and serve 

Eating Guide:

  • Food group: Veggies
  • Can be eaten with meals; easily goes well with both western and Indian cuisine.
  • Adjust the hotness by varying the number of chillies as per your liking

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