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Red Pepper Dip - Pep-up your Salads with this Homemade Dip!

dairy-free recipes dips recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes Sep 28, 2020
Red Pepper Dip - Pep-up your Salads with this Homemade Dip!
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 05 minutes
Servings: 100Gms

Just about 10 minutes to get a yummy dip you could have totally guilt-free - devoid of any of the harmful additives and ingredients commonly found in store-bought dips. Simple and easily available, the ingredients are all healthy and add nutrition to your dietary intake. Red pepper, roasted adds a distinct aroma and flavour, while cashews lend creaminess to this delicious condiment.

Dips add a different flavour and texture to salads and are great accompaniments to go with snacks as well. To disguise some raw veggies in your kids salad or to accentuate a healthy snack for your guests or to simply indulge your taste buds - find your reasons to have it frequently stocked in your fridge!


  • Red pepper: 1 (Roasted & de-seeded)
  • Cashew: 8-10 pcs (raw)
  • Lemon juice: 1 tbsp
  • Celery: 1 stalk (chopped finely)
  • Red Chili flakes: ½ tsp


  • Grind all the ingredients together except for celery, to make a smooth paste - like a dip.
  • Add the celery later.
  • Chill - keep refrigerated.
  • Lasts for a week.

Eating guide

  • Food group: vegetables & nuts
  • This is a great saviour to make otherwise dull salads appealing and yummy! Could be prepared easily when you need to put together a salad in haste. Goes well with most snacks as well!

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