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Raw vegetables chaat

healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes salads recipes snacks recipes Jun 24, 2020
Raw vegetables chaat Raw Vegetable Chaat is a refreshing, healthy snack bursting with flavors and crunch. Made with a medley of fresh veggies, tangy lemon juice, and spices, it's the perfect light and nutritious treat for any time of the day.
Prep Time: 1 hour
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 2 Servings

This raw chaat is a welcome treat for kids and all family members to enjoy a burst of flavours in a healthy manner. Unlike the street foods, this is not deep-fried, free of refined sugar, not unhygienic and is absolutely raw and bursting with life!


  • Sliced cucumber
  • Chopped onions
  • Pomegranate ( optional)
  • Olives ( optional)
  • Sprouts
  • Chopped raw mango
  • Chopped tomato
  • Coriander
  • Chopped capsicum

Mint chutney ingredients

  • Mint
  • Lime
  • Chilli
  • Rock Salt
  • Coriander

Curd ingredients

  • Tender coconut meat
  • Lime

Sweet chutney ingredients

  • Soft dates or soaked dates
  • Tamarind paste
  • Chilli powder
  • Black salt


  • Arrange the ingredients for base

  • Layer the sliced cucumber, onions , coriander, sprouts and any veggies of your choice.

  • Grind ingredients for mint chutney

  • Grind ingredients for sweet chutney.

  • Grind ingredients for the raw curd

  • Enjoy the delicious guiltfree healthy chaat by adding 1/4 spoon of all the chutneys on each cucumber slice.

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