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Raw Nutty Laddoos - Get your Fats Naturally!

dairy-free recipes fat-free recipes healing recipes healthy recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes sweet recipes Apr 09, 2024
Raw Nutty Laddoos - Get your Fats Naturally!
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 2 Persons

Nuts are great ways to add a variety of nutritional profile. Healthy Oils, Natural source of fats, calcium, and even fiber, there is no reason why not add them more. A wide variety of various nuts on a weekly basis will ensure you are never to worry ‘where is my protein and calcium coming from’!

This delightfully easy recipe is sure a good one for the busy-bees who find it tough to spend much time in the kitchen.


  • Peanuts: 2 handful
  • Sesame: ½ cup
  • Walnut: ½ cup
  • Shredded coconut: ¼ cup
  • Dates: 15-17
  • Cardamom and ginger powder for taste


  • Blend the nuts and seeds coarsely, one-by-one in a chopper. Best to use 'pulse' mode so that you do not end up powdering them. Mix all together.
  • Add dates and blend everything together.
  • Remove from the chopper in one big bowl and make laddoo as per your size preference.

Up your raw in easy ways!

Eating Guide:

  • Food group: Nuts
  • Best time to eat: After meals. Can be combined with other food groups except fruits
  • Great way to up natural oils and fats for kids
  • Ideally, nuts should not be mixed with fruits (even dried ones). So, remember to have the laddoos as an occasional treat only.

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