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Raw Chocolate Cake – Loved by Kids!

cakes & bakes dairy-free recipes desserts recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes Feb 05, 2021
Raw Chocolate Cake – Loved by Kids
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 5-6 Servings

Not an expert at baking? Here’s a recipe to make a raw cake. It’s a great option to make this one without using any refined flour, sugar or dairy. Try making this healthful cake. We hope you enjoy making it with your kids.


  • Dry walnuts:3 cups
  • Unsweetened cacao powder:2/3 cup
  • Sea salt:1/4 tsp
  • Pitted dates:1.5 cups (do not use a very soft variety of dates. We used Date Crown - Fard, available here)


  • Date paste:1/2 cup
  • Ripe avocado flesh: 1/2 cup (from about 1 medium avocado)
  • Cacao:1/3 cup


  • Dates for making the cake base - DONOT use KIMIA dates as they are too soft and would not give the desired results.
  • Cacao powder - bitterness of Cacao powder varies for different brands available in the market. You may have to adjust the amount of Cacao powder you add depending upon the bitterness level of your preferred brand)


  • Process the walnuts, dates and cacao powder till they combine well. DONOT add any water. Here's how you should go about it -
    • put alternate, multiple layers of dates, walnuts and cacao powder in the mixer jar and
    • ensure to start-stop the blender at small time intervals instead of blending in one go. This ensures the proper binding of ingredients. 
  • Then take out the mixture on a dish (of the desired shape) lined with baking paper and press the mixture with your hands into the dish with the thickness you need. This is the base. Make a paste of the frosting ingredients. Check for sweetness and adjust.
  • Spread the frosting on the base.
  • Refrigerate for 3 hours to firm up for cutting. Cut into wedges and serve.

Wellcure Tips: –

  • Add some raw finely scraped carrots into the base mixture for a healthier recipe.
  • Can add vanilla or cinnamon powder for flavour.
  • You can also use other seed powders like flax seeds to replace half of the walnuts. Replace avocados with soaked cashews if unavailable

Eating Guide:

  • Food Group: Nuts & Dry fruits
  • Nuts are a great source of natural fats & proteins. Hence a great addition to your diet!
  • It is best not to mix fruits (dry or fresh) and nuts, it is fine to do it once in a while for special occasions. 

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