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Raw Brownie - Your Guilt-Free Snack Ready in a Jiffy!

dairy-free recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes snacks recipes May 27, 2019
Raw Brownie - Your Guilt-Free Snack Ready in a Jiffy
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: no Cooking Involved
Servings: 3-4 Servings

Chocolate brownie is a much-loved snack for kids! But the ones you get in stores or bakery shops are loaded with sugar! Here's a quick raw brownie recipe you can make in your kitchen. Enjoy guilt-free!


  • Dates (of soft variety): 10-15
  • Walnuts or Almonds: 25-30
  • Cinnamon powder or vanilla extract: for flavouring
  • Cacao powder (unsweetened): 1-2 tbsp


  • In a blender, take dates and nuts (walnuts or almonds).

  • Add cinnamon powder or vanilla (pure extract not essence).
  • Add cacao powder (unsweetened).

  • No water or honey or sugar to be added.
  • Do quick start/stop in the mixer to make sure consistency doesn't reach paste stage. Keep checking after every 2 rounds.

  • Put mix in the refrigerator (optional).
  • Make the desired shape of your choice.

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