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Ragi Pancake with Spiced Syrup - Toddler-Friendly | Dairy-Free

dairy-free recipes dosa & chilla recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes millet recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes roti recipes snacks recipes Jan 17, 2020
Ragi Pancake with Spiced Syrup - Toddler-Friendly | Dairy-Free
Prep Time: 02 Hours 15 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 1 Serving

Pancakes are usually liked by most. They usually contain wheat, milk, sugar, and eggs and are cooked in butter. This finger millet pancake will make a great healthful substitute for regular pancakes. Serve it warm with the spiced syrup and you have an all-time favorite that’s so easy to make.


For Pancake

  • Ragi flour: 1/3 cup
  • Rice flour: 2 tbsp
  • Warm Water: 1/3 cup
  • Jaggery powder: 4 tbsp
  • Vanilla extract: few drops
  • Rock salt: a pinch
  • Poppy seeds: ½ tsp
  • Fresh coconut: 2 tbsp (grated)
  • Flax powder: 1 tbsp

For Syrup

  • Jaggery powder: 5 tbsp
  • Water: ¾ cup
  • Cinnamon: 2 sticks (1-inch sticks)
  • Cloves: 4 nos
  • Dry ginger powder: ½ tsp(optional)


  • Mix ragi flour, rice flour, salt, jaggery powder, flax powder and warm water to make a batter.
  • Add more water if needed, to get a batter that is thick but has pouring consistency.
  • Allow the batter to rest for two hours.
  • To make the syrup, place all syrup ingredients in a pan and boil until you have a thick syrupy liquid. Do consider that it will thicken a little on cooling.
  • Allow to cool. Let the spices stay in the syrup. Just before serving, strain the syrup to separate the spices.
  • After the pancake batter has rested for 2 hours it is ready to be cooked.
  • Heat a tawa, place some poppy seeds at the centre of the tawa and pour a ladle of pancake batter on top of it. Let the batter spread of its own.
  • Cover and cook for 4 mins on medium to low flame.
  • Remove cover and turn the pancake over and cook without cover for 4 -5 minutes.
  • Serve warm with spiced syrup.

Wellcure Tip:

  • Try to replace half the quantity of water with coconut milk to make the batter. It gives a rich creamy texture. 

Eating Guide

  • Food group: millets and nuts
  • Millets are gluten-free, rich in fiber and high on nutritional value. They are a good option to add variety to your meals or when want to go grain-free.

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