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Pumpkin Pie Sabja Pudding - Dairy-Free, Sugar-Free Dessert

dairy-free recipes desserts recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes Sep 25, 2020
Pumpkin Pie Sabja Pudding - Dairy-Free, Sugar-Free Dessert
Prep Time: 04 Hours
Cook Time: 12 minutes
Servings: 1 Serving

A dairy-free, refined sugar-free, dessert that can also work as a breakfast dish, chilled and can be prepared a day in advance. Can it get any easier? What's more? It is filling, crunchy yet smooth, and a neat way to introduce the earthy wholesomeness of pumpkin into your diet in a delicious way.


  • Yellow pumpkin: 1 cup ( Cubed and steamed)
  • Jaggery powder: 1/3 cup or less
  • Sabja seeds: 1.5 tbsp
  • Thick coconut milk: ½ cup
  • Pumpkin Pie spice: 1 tsp
  • Walnuts: 2 halves (Toasted)

For pumpkin pie spice

  • Cinnamon: 1-inch piece
  • Nutmeg: 1/8 th of whole nutmeg.
  • Dry ginger: 1-inch piece
  • Cloves: 3 nos


Mix the following

  • Cinnamon powder: 1tsp
  • Nutmeg powder: ¼ tsp
  • Clove powder: 1/8 tsp
  • Dry ginger powder: ¼ tsp


  • Blend the steamed pumpkin into a smooth paste without adding any water.
  • Pound all the ingredients of the pumpkin pie spice in a mortar to get a fine powder or powder in a mixie.
  • If using spice powders mix them together thoroughly.
  • In a bowl add pumpkin paste, jaggery powder, sabja seeds, 6 tablespoons of thick coconut milk and pumpkin pie spice and mix well.
  • Pour into serving bowls/shot glasses/ small jars.
  • Top with thick coconut milk and refrigerate.
  • Serve with bits of toasted walnuts.

Eating guide

  • Food group: Vegetables and nuts
  • Can be prepared a day earlier and served.
  • Makes for a filling wholesome dessert.

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