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Pumpkin Kootu (Pumpkin cooked in simple coconut gravy) - Dairy-Free | Oil-Free

healing recipes healthy recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes salads recipes Jul 28, 2020
Pumpkin Kootu (Pumpkin cooked in simple coconut gravy) - Dairy-Free | Oil-Free
Prep Time: 45 minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 1 Serving

Kootu is a Tamil word means "add" i.e. vegetable added with lentils which form the dish, made of vegetable and lentils and are semi-solid in consistency. Usually a combination of vegetables with lentils and a coconut paste, it forms a part of everyday cooking.

This pumpkin kootu is made without lentils but with a generous amount of ground coconut. The natural sweetness of the vegetables is countered with the sharpness of green chillies.

Makes a wholesome meal with steamed rice or millets.


  • Pumpkin: 2 cups(cut into cubes)
  • Coconut : ¾ cup(grated)
  • Green chilli: 2 nos
  • Cumin seeds: ½ Tsp
  • Curry leaves : 1 sprig
  • Mustard seeds: ½ Tsp
  • Turmeric; ¼ Tsp
  • Cold pressed coconut oil: 1 Tsp (optional)
  • Rock salt: to taste


  • Steam pumpkin and cook until soft.
  • Grind coconut, cumin, green chili with water to get a smooth paste.
  • Heat a pan add mustard seeds, once the seeds sputter, add curry leaves, cooked pumpkin, turmeric powder, salt and 1/4 cup of water.
  • Once it simmers, add the ground paste and mix well.
  • Turn off the gas and allow to rest for a few minutes.
  • Serve hot drizzled with cold pressed coconut oil. (optional)

Wellcure tip:

  • · You can make the tempering with oil.
  • · Reduce or increase the chilli according to your taste.

Eating guide:

  • Food group: vegetables and nut.
  • Vegetables are full of digestive enzymes and hence a must add to your daily intake
  • Coconut gives the gravy a rich creamy texture without the need to add oil, dairy or unhealthy fats.

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