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Pesto Dip - yummy way to add seeds & nuts

dairy-free recipes desserts recipes dips recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes pickles & chutneys recipes Mar 01, 2019
Pesto Dip - yummy way to add seeds & nuts
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 100 Gms

Pesto dip is simply a combo of fresh basil herb, toasted nuts, and garlic. Given here, is the recipe of basil pesto with roasted pine nut, but you can use walnuts or pumpkin seeds too if you have that on hand. Simply pound the ingredients for a textured outcome or go for your preference of creaminess by blending them altogether. Power packed ingredients customized to your taste buds!


  • Basil leaves: 20 leaves
  • Garlic: 2 pods
  • Pumpkin Seeds (green shelled) Or Walnut/Pine Nut: 2 tbsp (roasted)
  • Rock Salt to taste


  • Put all the ingredients and crush using a mortar-pestle to get a rough-textured paste.
  • If you want a smooth creamy paste then use a blender.
  • Eat fresh and do not store.

Eating guide

  • Food Group: Vegetable (Green herbs) & nuts
  • Dips are a great way to add taste and health to your meals. We often struggle to increase our intake of seeds, and nut-based dips can go a long way in meeting this goal.
  • Freshly made herbs and dips are also great replacements for market bought sauces.

Image courtsey for title pic:

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