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Peanut Curd - Dairy-Free Alternative to Curd

dairy free recipes dairy substitute recipe healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes plant based vegan recipes Feb 11, 2019
Peanut Curd - Dairy-Free Alternative to Curd
Prep Time: 10 Hours
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Servings: 2-3 Servings

This peanut curd recipe deals with something most people attempting to go off dairyare struggling to give up or replace - curd. The best part about dairy alternatives for curd is that you can make curd out of so many different raw materials and each has its own flavour and taste that can be adapted to savoury and sweet needs.

When you are starting off, always make them in small quantities because most often than not, they are not going to set as you want the first time. If you are using green chillies, wash the entire green chilli and carefully pluck out the stem. Do not wash the stem again. Store a small portion of this curd to set the subsequent curds as you would do with dairy milk. You can also freeze a portion to use it later.


  • Peanut: ½ cup (soaked for 2 hours and drained)
  • Water: 1½ cups
  • Stems of 8 to 10 green chillies


  • Grind the soaked peanuts in a blender with half a cup of water. Put it through the sieve and squeeze out the milk from the fiber into a heavy bottom vessel. Put the fibre back into the blender with half more cup of water. Grind and sieve. Repeat once more. You now have peanut milk, a white frothy liquid that has a concentrated taste of peanuts.
  • Warm this peanut milk while stirring continuously. It takes about 3 minutes to get a lukewarm temperature. Take it off the stove. If it is too hot wait for it to cool a little bit. Add the stems of the green chillies as it is. Keep the curd aside for 10-12 hours for fermenting.
  • Once the curd is set remove the chilli stems. If you want a thick curd, remove excess water. If you are going to make buttermilk use it with the water. Store it in the refrigerator.
  • Peanut curd could be consumed as is. Alternatively, you could use it to make a raita by adding flavouring spices, salt, chillies and grated vegetables. Or make it into a buttermilk by adding salt, asafoetida and a chilli-curry leaves paste. We can use peanut curd to replace dairy curd in cooked dishes likes kadhis and avials.


Eating guide

  • Food group: Legumes (Yes! Peanuts are actually legumes not nuts!)
  • This food group can be easily combined with other food groups such as grains. So add it into your family meals just for that reason!

Hope you have loved reading this peanut curd recipe and have got the complete idea regarding it.

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