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Oil-Free Kurkuri Bhindi (Okra) - Kids Love This On Table

curries and meals dairy-free recipes healing recipes healthy recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes Jun 01, 2019
Oilfree Kurkuri Bhindi (okra) - Kids Love This On Table
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 3-4 Servings

Who would have thought that you can do kurkuri bhindi without oil. But this one actually tastes real yum! Especially great when you want some variety added to the regular sabjiz on the table.This bhindi recipe is quite a hit with the kids at home. A perfect way to get them to eat more veggies.


  • Bhindi (Okra) – 500 gm

For the Masala:

  • Besan (Gram flour) – 4 tbsp
  • Rice flour (not maida) – 1 tbsp (optional)
  • Dhaniya powder (Coriander) – ½ tsp
  • Ajwain (Carom seeds) – ½ tsp
  • Dried Methi leaves (fenugreek) – 1 tbsp
  • Red Chilli powder – 1 tbsp (to taste)
  • Haldi (Turmeric powder) – ¼ tsp
  • Sendha Namak – ½tsp (or to taste)
  • Parchment paper for baking
  • Cold pressed oil: to grease the paper


  • Wash, wipe and slice bhindi (okra)into halves. Keep aside.
  • Mix besan, rice flour and the masalas – add water and make into a batter (not too runny).
  • Dip the bhindiinto the batter and place on the parchment paper.
  • Grill for 20 minutes at 175˚C.

Test in between for crispiness

Eating Guide:

Food group: Vegetables
Vegetables are highly alkalising foods, helping our bodies balance our internal pH. A good dose of the vegetables food group ensures, we provide the right material to the body to cleanse and nourish our bodies. Ideally, it is better to retain the water content of veggies, which grilling and baking may destroy. But eating for pleasure (we call it food for mind) is equally important, so we have improvised this recipe in a healthful way.

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