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Oil-Free Chaat-Style Millet Bhel

curries and meals dairy-free recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes millet recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes snacks recipes Jun 03, 2020
Oil-Free Chaat-Style Millet Bhel
Prep Time: 02 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 2 Servings

Evening times are when we usually crave something spicy, tangy and snacky. What if we had a chatpata chaat-style dish without any fried or oily additives to it?

What better if you could make a meal out of it!


  • Kodo millet: 1/8 cup or ¼ cup cooked millet
  • Potato: ¼ cup (cut in cubes)
  • Cucumber: ¼ cup (cut in cubes)
  • Tomato: ¼ cup (cut in cubes)
  • Onions: ¼ cup (cut in cubes)
  • Coriander leaves: 1 tbsp (finely chopped)
  • Green chili: 1 tbsp (finely chopped)
  • Raw mango: 1 tbsp (finely chopped)
  • Lime juice: ½ tbsp
  • Roasted peanut: 1tbsp
  • Cumin powder: ½ tsp
  • Black salt Powder: ½ tsp or to taste
  • Dates Imli Chutney: 2 tbsp(or as per individual taste)/ khatta-meetha-imli-tamarind-chutney
  • Green chutney: 2 tbsp( or as per individual taste)green-coriander-mint-chutney
  • Fresh Coconut: 1 tbsp (cut into bits)


  • Soak millets for 2 hrs.
  • Cook in 3 times water until cooked soft.
  • Fluff it up with a fork and leave aside to cool.
  • Steam potatoes until cooked. Cool.

  • Mix all the ingredients and serve immediately topped with roasted peanuts.

Wellcure Tip

  • You can use little millet/barnyard millet or foxtail millet in this recipe.
  • It’s ok to use leftover cooked millets.
  • The seasoning of the bhel is entirely up to individual preferences.
  • Feel free to experiment with the ratio of ingredients too. There is no hard and fast rule in this recipe.
  • If raw mango is not available it is ok to skip it.

Eating guide:

  • Food group: millets and vegetables
  • Together this combination can be a meal by itself.
  • Millets are gluten-free, rich in fibre and high in nutritional value. They are a good option to add variety to your meals or when you want to go grain-free.
  • Raw and steamed vegetables are great to make a meal filling, refreshing and contain enzymes that help with digestion.

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