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Oil-Free Aloo Shimla Mirch - Make your Meals Easier to Digest!

curries and meals dairy-free recipes desserts recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes Mar 05, 2019
Oil-Free Aloo Shimla Mirch - Make your Meals Easier to Digest
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 3-4 Servings

Cooking oil free may seem an arduous task, but all it needs is a few attempts, few trial and errors and voila, you acquire the understanding and skill of cooking oil free in an easy way. This recipe uses steamed potatoes instead of frying them, making it wholesome, and lighter for the body.

Our approach is to adopt changes in kitchen step by step, so when going oil free make one recipe each week. Browse our oil free recipes to learn day-to-day dishes done in oil free way. Here is your usual aloo shimla mirch recipe done oil free.


  • Capsicum and bell peppers all colors: 1 each
  • Potatoes: 4 (steamed and diced)
  • Onion: 1
  • Gur (jaggery): 1 small piece
  • Tomatoes: 3 (diced)
  • Coriander powder: 2 tsp
  • Chilli powder: 2 tsp
  • Mint (pudina) powder: 2 tsp
  • Rock salt as per taste


  • In a mixer, grind the gur, tomatoes and red chilli powder to make a paste.
  • Place a wok on gas stove; put the cut onions in wok and saute well (without any oil) until they turn brown.
  • Add the tomato paste to the onions, mix well and allow them to cook for few minutes.
  • Now add salt and coriander powder and saute well.
  • Cut capsicum/bell peppers into small pieces and add them to the above masala mix and allow them to cook for few minutes.
  • Now, add the steamed and diced potatoes to the masala and cook the masala for few minutes.
  • Add mint powder at the end and heat at sim, for couple of minutes and put off the stove.


Spicy hot oil free aaloo shimla mirch masala is ready to serve!

Eating Guide:

  • Food group: Vegetables
  • Vegetables are highly alkalising foods, helping our bodies balance our internal pH.
  • A good dose of the vegetables food group ensures, we provide the right material to the body to cleanse and build, as they provide enzymes, minerals, vitamins and much needed fiber in our meals.
  • Steaming or light cooking the veggies ensure you are able to retain the enzymes and the nourishment - making it easier for the body to complete its nutritional profile intake .

Hope you must have got the brief idea of how to make aloo shimla mirch

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